Chopped Garlic?

We now feed our dogs garlic every day, to stave off fleas, ticks, and vampires (it really works - not one vampire attack to date) but, with 42 dogs in our care, all that peeling and chopping is getting a bit time consuming.

Any idea where I can buy large amounts of already peeled and chopped garlic?

Thank you!


I bought at Costco once. It was well over a year ago. I didn’t like the taste though and never bought it again. Since then I have never looked for it there but never really noticed if they still carry it or not. That’s the only place I have seen it. Wellcome and other supermarkets sell garlic pre-peeled, which would eliminate at least one step (the messier one).

Thanks, Dark Horse.

Any idea why the Costco stuff tasted funny? Any additives? I’ll try it out perhaps, as it’s for ‘medicinal’ purposes anyway, so it’s not supposed to taste good. :wink:

[quote=“Dark Horse”]Wellcome and other supermarkets sell garlic pre-peeled, which would eliminate at least one step (the messier one).[/quote]I think that’s the best idea. Then the pre-peeled cloves can be liquidised if you don’t mind your liquidiser stinking of garlic, or perhaps just bashed up if you can get one of those really big pestle and mortar sets.

Yes, you can buy ready-chopped garlic but it’s in very small portions – a waste of money and plastic.

By the way, Stray Dog, I might smell but you’re going to smell a whole lot worse after all this garlic-related activity!

It’s for dogs, not people. Why are you peeling it? Put the cloves whole through a processor. :wink:

Ha! So you don’t really have me on ignore! :smiley:

Maybe I will go the peeled=garlic route, and just get a good garlic crusher.

Cheers, all!

Stray Dog wrote:

I don’t know why. It had a sweet taste to it. I tried it for garlic bread a couple of times and never used it again. Maybe the sweet taste will make it sell well here though.

The skin is OK to eat?

Yes. I think many chefs leave the skin on when cooking with it.

Anyway, Dofu has ingested many things that must be much worse than the skin off a clove of garlic! He seems fine, nonetheless.

Sure. Chuck the whole thing into a bloody great blender, I’m absolutely positive your dogs won’t be complaining.


Well, zippety doo-da! :slight_smile:

Baloo gets his in his BARF mix. I just take a whole bulb, break it in two and chuck one half in the processor with the rest of the stuff. Works fine.

It’s just a super-thin, paper-like cover. I’m sure it’s edible.

Geeze …gourmond dogs

Does he ever look at you like - waiter, there is a garlic skin in my BARF mix.

FOODFOODFOODFOODFOODYUMMYYUMMYYEAHYEAHYEAHGIMMEGIMMEGIMMEFOODFOODFOODFOOD is pretty much the extent of his dinner conversation. He hasn’t complained so far.