The author of War is a Force that Gives Us Meaning speaks out on the decidedly un-Christian (non-Christian?) politization of the fundamentalist movement and the similarity of this trend to facist movements in Europe.
This is a fascinating read, and in my opinion Christians should be just as outraged (or even moreso) by this blatant perversion of Christianity as secularists and others.
Why do you want to censor someone for having an unpopular, or even stupid opinion. This guy is totally free to post any stupid theory he wants. Heck, once it gets on the internet he’s bound to find a small, but vocal, group to agree with his crap.
Yeah, I’m a “Conservative Christian” and don’t like Robertson and Falwell and the like much either. I have my doubts though about how strongly we can connect them with whatever the center of the “Christian Right” is. I suspect that a sizeable chunk of the supposedly intensly conservative “Christian Right” is really just disgusted with the Democratic Party’s seeming affection to everything but Christianity, and might consider going back if they were offered an olive branch.
Most Democrats are Christians.[/quote]
Most black Democrats are certainly Christian…most white Democrats…well…I’m not so sure about that. Certainly not the leadership. Simply showing up outside a church to hand out leaflets during an election doesn’t make one a Christian.
[quote=“Tainan Cowboy”]Why do you want to censor someone for having an unpopular, or even stupid opinion. This guy is totally free to post any stupid theory he wants. Heck, once it gets on the internet he’s bound to find a small, but vocal, group to agree with his crap.
And post links to it in chat forums.[/quote]
I’m not sure whether this is bad sarcasm, or you just totally misread my point. I never said a thing about censoring anyone. I’m a Christian, and for that very reason I find the trends described in this rather excellent interview despicable.
Show me, please, how there’s any “crap” involved in this “stupid theory”.
I used to think there was at least a tiny bit of merit to anything you said in this forum, TC. You must be getting bitter about the way the wind has been blowing lately.
Nor does talking about God-given missions, saying the words “character” and “family” a lot, opposing gay marriage or re-criminalizing abortion. Remember this thread?
Incidentally, here are a couple more relevant threads for those interested…
I’ve brought up numerous times (and been ignored) the fact that in the 19th and early 20th centuries Christianity was primarily a strong progressive force in politics. Things like child labor laws, economic equality and women’s rights were all issues taken on with fervor by Christian groups and prominant individuals like WJ Bryant. I agree that Leftist intellectuals were largely to blame for the split that ensued around WWI.
I didn’t say that the party was actually antagonistic to Christianity, just that it comes across that way.
Many of the more vocal supporters of the party seem to bend over backwards to promote all viewpoints except Christianity, and paint anyone who is Southern and religious as a part of the tyranical “Christian Right.” An alternative would be to give some credit to to the success of Christian ethics prevailing in things like civil rights, charity, education and such, and make an attempt to argue for more civil liberties within the framework of the Christian ethic. As you say, most Democrats are Christians, so they should be able to make the case.
This whole thing about the massively Republican “Christian Right” is relatively new. Not all that long ago democrats were quite strong in many of the states we think of as Red states now.
If I had to take a moral litmus test, I’d undoubtedly come up something like ‘compassionate-conservative Christian.’ I do believe though that God’s greatest adversaries are those who serve Him falsely.
Nor does talking about God-given missions, saying the words “character” and “family” a lot, [i]opposing gay marriage or re-criminalizing abortion.[/i][/quote]
Thanks for reminding me just how totally clueless Democrats truly are.
Did you learn that in church this past Sunday? If so, which church was it?
Kumbaya, ya’ll. [/quote]
I learned that when I was a child. It follows from “So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spew thee out of my mouth.” (Revelation 3:16)
Last Sunday I went to 9:00 service at a Christian church in Taipei county, where I go every Sunday.
[quote=“Doctor Evil”][quote=“Vay”]
Nor does talking about God-given missions, saying the words “character” and “family” a lot, [i]opposing gay marriage or re-criminalizing abortion.[/i][/quote]
Thanks for reminding me just how totally clueless Democrats truly are. [/quote]
Please enlighten us hopelessly clueless folks, then.
[quote=“Doctor Evil”][quote=“spook”]
Last Sunday I went to 9:00 service at a Christian church in Taipei county, where I go every Sunday.[/quote]
Seeking forgiveness?
Kumbaya, ya’ll! [/quote]
Yes, sadly. I sought forgiveness for acting like I don’t know the words to Kumbaya when it’s sung during church service every Sunday, for calling the choir director “Church Lady” behind her back and for getting illicit pleasure out of tormenting you, Tainan Cowboy and Fred Smith here at Forumosa.
[quote=“Tainan Cowboy”]Why do you want to censor someone for having an unpopular, or even stupid opinion. This guy is totally free to post any stupid theory he wants. Heck, once it gets on the internet he’s bound to find a small, but vocal, group to agree with his crap.
And post links to it in chat forums.[/quote]
[quote=“Vay”]I’m not sure whether this is bad sarcasm, or you just totally misread my point.[/quote]Perhaps I did.[quote=“Vay”]I never said a thing about censoring anyone.[/quote]From the tone of your post, which I may have mis-read, it appeared to me that you were mocking and belittling the points of the article in question. That is the usual line of your posts, if I mis-read your tone it is my mistake.[quote=“Vay”] I’m a Christian, and for that very reason I find the trends described in this rather excellent interview despicable.[/quote]Now I see your position.[quote=“Vay”]Show me, please, how there’s any “crap” involved in this “stupid theory”.[/quote]Use your reading and comprehension skills to note that I said "This guy is totally free to post any stupid theory he wants "Not that this specific article was a “stupid theory” nor that it specifically was or contained crap. And he, or anyone else, will find a ready audience to agree with whatever theory or position he wishes to take. Such is the vastness of the internet. All quite accurate.
[quote=“Vay”]I used to think there was at least a tiny bit of merit to anything you said in this forum, TC.[/quote]Keep your expectations low…it will give you greater happiness when they are exceeded.[quote=“Vay”]You must be getting bitter about the way the wind has been blowing lately.[/quote]Hmm…well…I have cut down on the amount of “smiley face” emoticons I use…but I never was one to be swayed by the change of wind directions.