Christmas giveaways?

[quote=“Funk500”][quote=“tash”]In the spirit of Ebenezer Scrooge, I swiped the books from Erhu before Funk500 could come and get them. Now he’ll have to wait till I’m finished… Which, judging from the level my Chinese has gotten to since I’ve been here, won’t be any time soon. Sorry, Funkster :smiling_imp:

Can I offer you this one in return?

Well, Wonder woman… Self improvement has ALWAYS been a passion of mine… so sure I’ll take it… but don’t you need to brush up on important Croatian vocabulary like: Ocelot, bannister and so on?[/quote]

Is that the new version of “Learn Croatian”? The one with “colour TV” and stuff? :stuck_out_tongue:


AND, in the section “At The Restaurant” they took out the line “Excuse me, where’s the toilet? … How far ‘behind the house’? … Yes, I brought my own toilet paper.”


AND, in the section “At The Restaurant” they took out the line “Excuse me, where’s the toilet? … How far ‘behind the house’? … Yes, I brought my own toilet paper.”[/quote]

Damn! You lot are ahead of us! The last Irish dictionary I bought has only just added “transistor radio”.

Walrusis a problem, but it’s not it the book. That’s why I want to get rid of it and get a proper one.

And no thanks for not giving me the book.[/quote]
Don’t be sad, canucktyuktuk,
I spent all night reading the book and I can safely say I still don’t speak Chinese. It’s a lousy book. No wonder she wanted to get rid of it! :stuck_out_tongue:

But good that you got us back on topic of giving.

Walrusis a problem,[/quote]

I agree… the walrus has always been a problem animal.

I wish I had something to give :frowning:

Hmmm… that’s not quite true. You have lots of body hair, then there’s that cool Jesus T-shirt and a very cute girlfriend.

I’ll be at Starbuck’s too offering my virginity to anyone who wants it.

Throw in a language exchange and that shouldn’t be too hard to do. :wink:

Yep… there’s no way I’m gonna part with her though, she’s a keeper :rainbow:

But sure… the body hair is yours… PM me when you want to come and pick it up.