Christmas Tsunami and Taiwan's Missing Expats

I think it would be prudent for the international community in Taiwan to start collecting a list of known expats from Taiwan who were in Thailand for the Christmas holiday.
I know for a fact that there is at least one American family from Taiwan vacationing in Thailand. The PE teacher for Lincoln American school, his Venezuelan wife and son . They had intended to go to Krabi but had no definite plans.

The US State Department is forming a task force to address the issues concerning the Christmas Tsunami. For more information contact the American Institute in Taiwan American citizen services section.

To everyone that might have been worried about the tallest foreign girl in Hsinchu:) She is OK. She was on her way to Kho Phi Phi but got off the bus to explore another island first.

wooooowww. I hope there will be more good news.

I am a bit upset that SO MUCH time is being spent on Thailand. It seems as if the foreign tourists are more important than everyone else. It must be terrible to actually stay behind and try to pick up pieces of your life… I’m just talking about CNN Asia here…thought they would have the same interest in all the areas.

AIT has provided a number in the US for the US State Department Task force assigned to address the issues relating to Americans and the Christmas Tsunami.
(US) 317-472-2328

The BTCO is closed until tomorrow, but no harm in collecting names for them in advance. If you are aware of any Brits who are missing in SE Asia then please let me know [color=red]by PM[/color]. (Or anyone from any other commonwealth country that doesn’t have representation in Taiwan.)

This is also a good time to remind everyone that we are living in an earthquake, typhoon, and potential war zone. Registering with your country’s representative office means that at least someone here will be looking out for you if bad things happen.

I’m a ‘warden’ for the BTCO, which means I’m supposed to help people get in touch with the office. (And vice versa.) We need more wardens, so feel free to volunteer.

Good News!
Tony and his family are shaken up but fine.