Chrome books, Not in Taiwan.

They are cheap and get the job done for a non “power-user” of technology.
Yes, you basically hand over the keys to all your metadata to google… but my girl still wants one.
Went to the major computer market in Taipei… cant find anyone selling Chrome books.
Whats up with that?
PChome “had” some… and the price was insanely stupid. I am not expecting a miracle at the market, since their prices in general are always terrible.

Try going here: Google Chromebooks - Laptops, Detachables and Tablets

You should see this:

PCHome: PChome 24h購物 (works but looks empty)

The Acer page isn’t very helpful - you can’t buy it there. There is a link at the bottom on where you can buy Acer products. Let us know if you can get a Chromebook there