CHT and their retarded guidelines

So, I’ve been a customer (internet) of Chunghwa Telecom for 9 years now. Over that time, I’ve always paid may bill on time and maintained a perfect account. I’m also married here and I have a JFRV and all relevant legal docs + a local credit card.

My cellphone is on the brink of dying so I decided to check out the CHT plan for a new iphone 3Gs. I would not re-sign with Taiwan Mobile and jump ship to CHT for this new phone. However, idiots that they are at CHT start coming at me with the “You are not Taiwanese so you’ll have to bring your wife in to use her ID”…WTF crap is that? I mean really, where do they come up with such malarkey? I’m already their customer (and have been for quite a while) and I have all relevant documents + local credit card to back it all up. They said “what if you go to Canada?”…so what if I do?..And Taiwanese people don’t travel either?..and isn’t that the point of using the credit card as the guarantee?..I’m clearly NOT Taiwanese and not having a Taiwanese ID card is where they jam up…The box is very small in some cases.

So, what’s wrong with these people?..are they racist or so ignorant they are blind to the fact they are the kings of fraud and that I’m less likely to split on them with an iphone than one of their own?

I have an iPhone through them, and I didn’t pay a deposit, either. It CAN be done. You just have to argue with the pricks. Bring a pad of paper, take names, and start going up the chain of command. Fight the bastards!

If in Banciao office, ask to speak to Louis. He is in charge up on the 2d floor and gets the job done without all the crap.

I have internet and a land line with them, all in my name. No problems there. I go to the office on HsinYi between Fuxing and Dunhua whenever I need something. Try a different office and do as Maoman said; don’t take no for an answer.

Thanks for the references guys. I’m in Taichung so any possibility of common sense prevailing is close to nil. However, I’ve started taking names and making my way to the top as Maoman suggested. I’m sure that eventually it will work, but not without a little tussle. I just hate it when they pull these kinds of stunts!


Take pictures and watch them freak out

With your iphone.

Which branch did you go to?

And sometimes it just luck. In my experience, a lot depends on the person helping you. Person A tells you it is absolutely impossible, against the rules, foreigners this and foreigners that, blah, blah, blah. The next day you talk to person B and it’s no problem.

I was at the Apple store in that new mall next to Nova…They have iphone stock and process applications for CHT as well. Do you recommend any CHT stores in TC?

i had to fight with CHT as well. I was able to sign up a home phone with no guarantor in Taipei.

Once i moved to Kaohsiung, I asked them to sign up a cell phone… it took much arguing, and i was able to put down a deposit instead which I got back when i left.

Many companies do that… you walk in, they see you are a foreign face, and then the issues start. Everything from phones to banks, etc.

The quick and short battle has been won by me. I’m meeting the manager at the main branch in Taichung tomorrow to go ahead with the contract. (no deposit and no Taiwanese co-signature)…

It can be done!

Dude, those chain branches NEVER know how to handle foreigners :wink: Any main office of CHT is fine, how about the one just near my house? I think that’s the closest one to you. Or there’s an even bigger one on DaYa road.

I was having the same problem with Chungwa. I finally got so fed up that I decided to try Far East Tone instead. They have no issues with giving a foreigner a post-paid plan. I just had to bring in my ARC and passport and everything is good to go. No deposit or contract (as long as you have your phone already).

I guess it doesn’t help if you have your heart set on the iphone, but I think it’s a good option for others who just need a plan and want it in their own names.