Climate Change - Impacts, Part II

That’s fair enough so I will focus on that. Do you see the Green New Deal, which seems to me to be more about a complete societal change towards a Socialist nation complete with redistribution of wealth more than even tackling CO2 emissions, as it seems to be only a national program to be a step in the right direction?

Or, if not what would you say to those environmental types that insist The Green New Deal is the only way forward and those opposing it must want to bring around the end of the world?

A look at the damage and desolation of continually expanding and unrestrained human activity

The heat is getting all the headlines
Why a sudden surge of broken heat records is scaring scientists
Scientists say to brace for more extreme weather and probably a record-warm 2023 amid unprecedented temperatures

but there are other impacts of unrestrained human activity that do not bode well for the planet.

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