Clinical psychologist anyone?

Would anyone on here happen to be a clinical psychologist or could recommend a good one? I’ve been having a recurring dream for the past few months (every night) and would like to get to the bottom of it … (serious replies please, as I’m being serious …). Thanks!

Community Services Center

25, Lane 290 Chung Shan N. Rd., Sec. 6
Taipei, Taiwan

Tel: (02) 2836-8134 / 2838-4947

Fax: (02) 2835-2530

[quote=“Alleycat”]Community Services Center

25, Lane 290 Chung Shan (Zhongshan) N. Rd., Sec. 6
Taipei, Taiwan

Tel: (02) 2836-8134 / 2838-4947

Fax: (02) 2835-2530[/quote]
