Millions around the world have been urging the US to close the prison at Guantanamo Bay. They’ve also been saying that any trials that take place there will be tainted. Well, it seems that US Defence Secretary Robert Gates agrees.
On closure of Gitmo and military trials.
[quote=“BBC”]The US Defence Secretary, Robert Gates, has said that Congress should look for ways to close the Guantanamo Bay military prison in Cuba.
He said the military trials of terror suspects at the prison lack credibility because they have been tainted by the harsh treatment of detainees. [/quote]
Read more here
So would you then support returning all inmates to their respective countries of origin immediately? I would. Let’s do that. Do you support that?
Sure, I’d support that. Problem is the places of origin don’t necessarily want them. Alternatively, proper trials under the regular US legal system, with proper lawyers who have access to any and all information they require in order to conduct a defence. Give them real POW status as described under the Geneva Conventions, not this made up “enemy combatant” designation.
Ah… so the shoe drops. You have that figured out right? OR we would not be able (irony of ironies) to guarantee that they would not be tortured or maltreated on arrival. I always love this argument. They are being treated so harshly in Guantanamo that we cannot release them to their home countries because we cannot guarantee that they will not be mistreated? haha
And just why should they be given such rights? Are they US citizens?
Why should they be given the same POW status as detailed under the Geneva Convention? Since when did the Geneva Convention cover those caught fighting out of uniform? terrorists? sabateurs? agents provacateurs? etc? The left is making a lot of this up along the way. The main point is not really to “protect” the “rights” of these individuals, in my view, but to give the US a black eye. I think that we should turn all of these individuals over to the next nation who protests the loudest. I think Norway and Sweden will make excellent choices. I note that France has been very quiet about this while Germany has made a few public statements. Wonder why that is? haha
Oh, so the US hasn’t been shipping undesirables to dark corners of the planet where local lurvlies do their very nicest to extract what may be desired?
That’s ciool. Thanks for clearing that up, Freddles. All the way and all that.
Hope to catch you for at least a crafty over the coming weekend!
Since about 80% of the terrs coming into Iraq are coming from/thru Syria, perhaps Lady Di Finestein could bring that up to the Syrian PM during here non-sanctioned tour of the middle east shes engaged in.
Her delusions of grandeur bring to mind the Andrew Young debacle during Jeemy Carturs reign of ineptitude.
And again, just WHY did dhe suddenly resigned from the Military Construction Appropriations Subcommittee?
Diane Feinstein in the News!
Since Iraq’s missing weapons of mass destruction arsenal is in Syria I see a potential problem there – assuming that ‘intel’ is correct. 
Maybe they’re just busy figuring out how all the buttons work first and then all hell will break loose.
I believe that it is possible that Iraq’s wmds ended up in Syria. Just because this has not yet been proven does not mean that it has been proven otherwise either. I would love to know where all the Iraqi made chemicals that were to be used in the al Qaeda attack on Amman came from. Wouldn’t you? Not even the least bit curious? The Jordanian government officially announced that the source of the chemicals was in fact Iraq. … -sentenced
Finally we got the cook! However long it took to convict this major conspirator, it clearly wasn’t long enough. Now they’ll never eat umm whatever it is they eat again. God willing, in another ten years we’ll throw the book at the janitor and all the other major players. Then they’ll understand why locking these people up without trial indefinitely is so important.