Co-worker problems

It was a fun story myself and the wife having a chuckle right now about it. Keoni missed out on the exclusive, maybe he could buy you a medium latte from 7-11 for an exclusive interview !?

She said it must be the admin but the use of damned makes me think otherwise.

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I’m gonna say you’ve gotta put your foot down and show this guy just who is the top dog. Let it slide now and he’ll think you’re weak or easily intimated.

Whatever you do, remember your manly pride is at stake here. Gotta send out a message that you can’t be pushed about

You could start a dialogue with him next time you see him. /Larry David voice and smirk/ “You know, that was some note you left on my desk the other day…”



him) I have a problem with my coworker, he got upset because I did X and he got butthurt, what should i do?
me) Do x
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The best timeline.

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Yup. I reckon he needs to write a really strongly worded note.

Maybe he should blow it up A3 size, stick it on the wall and invite all the other coworkers to come over and try to identify who wrote it? Have a ‘turn off your own damned computer party’ with peanuts and wine?


Or just turn on all the other computers on overnight and you won’t be singled out.

Though I’m suspecting it’s a boss or something. Why else would he/she complain unless you’re causing them to lose a bit of money? Taiwanese, like most asians are not good at direct confrontations… preferring to spread rumours and whispers instead. Take the note to the police. Swab it for fingerprints. Or if its handwritten. …just find out whose handwriting it matches


Not a boss. That I’m sure of. My director is an okay guy, and he’s way too busy to spend time on something like that. Pretty sure I know who it is, and if I’m correct it’s just some bitter colleague.

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Ahhh, an anonymous note! Swish, 2 points. Pity the poor anonymous sap who actually has this life-draining responsibility and move on.

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Fwiw, it actually wasn’t anonymous. Granted, the malcontent in question has the handwriting of a drunk monkey, so his signature wasn’t really decipherable. So I suppose it might as well have been.

Has anybody ever told you before at that office to turn off the computer?

Geez. Then plug the computer in through the note and go with ibis’s award winning suggestion

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I still have an old pc box an some motherboard.
You can have some fun activity for the next five days.
Go to work early and remove/hide your pc and put the parts in a disturbing way on your desk.
Add a note like, could’t get that damn thing to turn off! Windows update and please wait etc. etc.

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Iirc, the way “off” was written was quite beautiful, especially the first one with the double underline