Cocoa fruit - chocolate foods

This month if go to Chu Tian Main Station in Pingdong 竹田車站 you can find as seen in the photo and related foods.! (Its planted to replace Betel Palms, and the pulp taste like bit like mango, seeds can processed in coco with some work) Farmers and related vendors on a weekend farmers market at the station in this village. Also nice coffee cafe but long wait this past weekend.


Pretty hard to process your own cocoa. Are they just flogging off stuff not fit for mechanical processing?

It’s only one or two farmers selling it. (it something actually not easy to buy as most farmers do not sell to the public) Mostly other local fruits and vegies but did not walk with strong and hot sun (sky today and yesterday really clear and blue thus strong sun !). I did buy a few, just to try to pulp fruit inside which is very soft and better suited to make a drink.