Coffee shop in Banqiao

Any recommendations for a family friendly coffee shop in Banqiao, pref near MRT…

Thanks in advance.

Check out this place:

DOSE coffee 都嗜咖啡
220, Taiwan, New Taipei City, Banqiao District, 文化路一段188巷9弄7號1樓
+886 2 2252 0661

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@rooftopclown thanks for a great recommendation. Seems like a place only locals would stumble across. Kids were sorted as they had toast and jam. That kept them occupied for all of about 4 minutes.

Coffee critique follows for those with an interest. Medium light roast blend long black was nice (Australian coffee terminology is spreading around the world!), then a filter Yirgacheffe Kochere was a real winner, had a nice Jasmine scent. Grabbed a bag of these for home. What i was particularly stoked by was that the proprietor knew to put the shot in second on a long black. Normally i get strange looks when I request this in Taipei. Only thing was punters should stay away from the medium dark blend, an espresso shot of that tasted like burnt car tyres. Maybe trying to emulate charbucks. Bit embarassing really as the vendor asked me why I didn’t drink it. Still walked out of there pretty caffeinated…

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