Coining Chinglishisms

In chitchatting with local companions, I’m rather fond of coining and using Chinglishisms. A few of my favourites are:
“goggy” as a combination of gou and doggy
“neikies” as a combination of neiku and undies/panties
“poobian” and “peebian” for poo+dabian and pee+xiaobian

Do any of you others do this, and do you have any good ones to share?

Don’t you get laughed at a lot? Sounds like baby-talk to me.
If I’m to be a butt of ridicule I’d prefer it to be on account of my staggering ignorance of the culture I live in, thanks very much.

“peebian” sounds like “leather whip” to me!


Ni hao you doin’?

Say it like Joey Tribianni.

V and I enjoy the retort: “Do you know how many pi you dong? One! One pi!” (Ni dong yige pi, literally, you understand bollocks). You probably have to be there. :stuck_out_tongue:

Had a penchant for throwing n Chinese with correct English grammar into my daily Engrish.

Dongxis (plural) for things.

Youyonging - swimming, present cont tense.

Fack-esuh ji - fax (although I might have heard that one from someone in an ofiice).



What Would Chucky Chinglish Say !

What about sayings like “open the TV” and “eat your medicine”?

“Open a light” is a common one for Chinese immigrants.

Give me go away.
Give me shut up.
Give me come here.

So there was this chick at the 7-11 sajiao-ing with her clerk boyfriend…

You’re banned! Chinglish is not allowed in this forum anymore!


Don’t you mean “at seffen sajiao-ing with her clerk boyfriend…” :wink:

Don’t you mean “at seffen sajiao-ing with her clerk boyfriend…” :wink:[/quote]

Don’t you mean “sey-ven”? :slight_smile: