Coming to Taipei to teach for 3 or 4 months - worth it?

Here are some tips.

Potential employers will take you more seriously when you actually have the visa, and even more seriously when you’re actually in Taiwan.

Whenever they express doubt or confusion about the visa, this chart should help. Draw their attention to the part that says 依現行「雇主聘雇外國人許可及管理辦法」第四條規定,度假打工者據以辦理之入國簽證,視為工作許可,即無需另申請工作許可.

English: 外交部領事事務局全球資訊網
Chinese: 外交部領事事務局全球資訊網

Obtaining the visa requires jumping through a few hoops (as the Taiwan representative office will explain), so if you want to do it this year, don’t delay. Good luck! :four_leaf_clover: