Hey Chavistas…notice the question mark on the title?
Do you two really expect me to post happy happy over this anti-USA dictator thug?
Glad to see you both so proud of your support of a brutal left-wing militaristic dictator…LOL!
Was the television coverage good?
Oh…thats right…Chavez ordered the privately owned TV coverage halted and stations shut-down…
cnn.com/2006/WORLD/americas/ … index.html
Hugo doen’t like beer either:
Hugo Chávez’s New Enemy: Beer Trucks
Venezuelan President Orders Ban On Illegal Beer Vendors In Poor Areas
"“The law says you are not supposed to drink in the street, but everybody does it, especially at the Chavez rallies.”
Rosele Alcala, waitress in Venezuela
I suggest Venezuela be declared back-packer heaven and you guys head down there and teech engrish. Ol’ Hugo will welcome you with open arms.
I’ve been there a few times. Beautiful country, nice beaches, friendly people. Hey…get the back-pack thing goin’ and head out.
From Caracas, a personal view of things from 30 Nov:
[url=http://narcosphere.narconews.com/story/2006/11/30/20291/501]"The biggest question here today is not who will win the elections but what will happen when the results are announced. This should not be taken lightly. Many people are worried that the opposition will not accept their defeat. Immediately after the recall referendum in 2004, the opposition cried, “fraud,” and said they would present proof within a day. No proof has ever emerged.
On television the other night, a Chávez supporter announced that 40,000 black t-shirts with “FRAUD” written on them had been discovered, ready for a similar campaign after Sunday’s elections. True or false, I don’t know, but it is very much indicative of the worries that abound. The owner of a bakery told me that in his home he has extra cooking oil, cornmeal flour, coffee, water, etc., just in case anything should happen. The U.S. embassy has urged its citizens here to follow a similar procedure.
I said to one friend that I would like to be in the center of Caracas Sunday night to see the celebration. The reply? Stay out of the center of Caracas.
Hopefully the elections will take place peacefully and everyone will accept the results. But even if calm does follow the elections on Sunday, don’t expect a bed of roses for Chávez for the next six years unless a sizeable part of that one-third of the population, that maintains it is the majority, decides to permanently move to Miami.
(Charles Hardy is author of a forthcoming book on Venezuela to be published by Curbstone Press. Other essays by Hardy can be found on his personal blog Cowboyincaracas.com . You may write him at cowboyincaracas@yahoo.com.)[/url]
His blog, cowboyincaracas.com/ , is back up…sort of…it was hacked and closed for a while, others are up & down.
Pure coincidence…I’m certain…oh yeah.
(Good blog on Venezuela)