Complex Situation - Do I win a Prize!

Sometimes this place has a habit of biting you

  1. I’m not exactly sure what your question is, but to get your son’s birth certificate certified, you should go to the Mainland Affairs Council

  2. I don’t think so, but you don’t make them part of your ARC…You apply for ARCs for them as dependants. A birth certificate (certified of by the TECO in the originating country) is enough.

  3. This is an oddity of Taiwanese laws. If a child is born out of wedlock, the birth certificate has “Unknown” as the father’s name. In order to get your name on the birth certificate (in order to obtain a UK passport for your daughter), you would have to adopt the child.

  4. I think you probably qualify for a prize for involving the most gov’t agencies in this… Unless China starts drafting people, I doubt your son would be called to war :slight_smile: