
No offense intended but why would anyone want to expose a baby to the noise and risk injury like hearing damage? Not a choice I would make or agree with, and perhaps this is a situation where parents should not be allowed to make that choice.
Surely there are other, better places where a family can spend the afternoon or day.

Not trying to blame you or make you look bad, just stating my opinion. :wink:

It’s a professional trade show, not a playground, which is extremely busy in particular on the weekend when it’s open to the public. A bit of common sense tells me that such is no place for kids and babies. Just picture parents pushing strollers through the crowd, kids not behaving, getting lost - it causes inconvenience to the other vistors, in particular those that are there to do business.
And if anything happens to the kids who will be blamed? - the organizers. And who will be the one doing the blaming? - the parents that decided it’s their choice to bring the kids in.

Some reasons I can think of (there might be more) why to keep kids out:

  • Don’t fit the target group
  • Considered a disturbance / nuisance
  • Safety issues

IMO such exhibitions are not a place for babies. In particular in Taiwan where the shows are as NOISY as possible, wouldn’t be the first time my ears are ringing afterwards and I don’t want to imagine what this can do to the hearing of babies and kids even.[/quote]

Which brings me to two other “events” I saw on that one day only.

Similar case as above. Father wanted to get in with his 10-12 YO son.
Security refused. Father didn’t give a damn and tried to get through.
Security interacts and father is being “guided” outside, let us say “under pressure”.
Son was crying – shouting – hurling. Hope the kid will forget soon. His father should have know better.

The other story was about a booth holder loosing control over his temper and needed to be locked in his own booth preventing to attack a Nigerian “buyer”

And last but not least, the story of the MOB “brothers” who paid a booth holder a visit to reclaim their cash advance of 700.000 NTD. They would come back the next day.
They did, but probably an agreement was made and nothing was destroyed.

Computex? Full of adventures!!! And you aint reading it in ther Apple Daily

No way. Hyundai chick FTW.