First let me say, I have the utmost respect for people who work in the arts. I likes art, art art, painting art, music of all flavors, poetry, books, sculpture, and life as art. Artistically, I am an equal opportunity appreciator of Da Arts.
But for the love of Gad, I can NOT get dance. I went to the ballet a few times when I was a grad student. I didn’t get it. Jumpy jump jump twirl. Jumpy jumpy jump. The music was good, unless you see the Nutcracker (and that was interesting as the curtain caught on fire).
Now, again, I respect people who give their lives to performing one of the arts, and I don’t want to suggest that CATS sucked, because that would be rude, but could someone PLEASE tell me WHAT IS THE BIG DEAL?
This is a famous musical, no? Thousands of performances, right?
Jumpy jump jump, crawl, meow, and a story that revolves around describing different cats?
I didn’t get it. After 15 minutes I wanted out. I moved away from my family so I could sit in the sparsely populated section of seats and sleep without bothering people.
I just dont get it. I was not MOVED at all by the jumpy jump, the music (it IS a musical, right?) or the storyline.
Suffice to say, I was literally bored out of my mind.
So once again, the problem is mine, but can someone please explain to me WTF!?
This is where I was last night. Thinking “WTF!?” This is what Western culture has to offer? Forget about the waterboarding, make Al Queda sit through CATS!
I nearly JOINED AQ last night.
I have seen plays, good ones done by professional actors and LUVED it; been to poetry reading by famous and unknown poets (this is proof that I do get into arty farty things that most people think are stupid and a waste of time), and lurved it, so WHYTF can’t I get The Dance?
I came a whisker from yelling “WTF!?” last night when they started singing “Jellico Cats” for the nth time.
I’m truly sorry, but I don’t get it.
ps, the four foreigners who left early, walking right past me: You guys suck! :raspberry: