Conspiring to push the US into war with Iran

Thanks for the clarification. Does not change the fact that it should have been destroyed and that Saddam was not compliant. Pfffft. haha

Fred, don’t let me interrupt. You were telling Asif Waqar Ahmed why 500 dud chemical weapons rounds rotting in an ammo dump gave us the go-ahead to invade Iraq and end the lives of 30,000+ Iraqi people.

Because it is all about Israel.

(No. NO you fool. What are you saying? Do you want us to cancel the transfer to your Champagne fund).

The Jews are controlling me and have commanded me to write this.

(You will pay for this. No more Champagne and terrine for you).

I must obey my oberfuhrers, er, no more Champagne…

(Now, accuse him of being anti-Semitic no anti-Jewish because he always plays semantics with the label Semantic).

Spook. Clearly your failure to realize that Saddam was a threat with or without wmds is mere posturing and stems from your excessive interest in that one group that must not be named.

(Remember you were not mostly interested in wmds. As you have said previously, reform of the Middle East was your main goal and removing Saddam was necessary to further those “enlightened aims.”)

Besides, Spook as I have told you, the wmds was maybe 20 percent of my reason for wanting to invade.

(Now, point out that the Americans after all are not the ones responsible for the violence).

Besides Spook, the violence is mostly being committed by others not US forces.

(Hah! He does not seem to be concerned about Iranian involvement in the war or the thousands of Arabs who have traveled to die as martyrs against our evil (whoops) nefarious (darn) needed (better) efforts to extent Zionist domination over Iraq and its oil supply).

Regardless of your “concerns” Spook, I notice that you remain silent about the fact that most of these deaths are attributable to extremist elements notably from Iran, within Iraq and by Arabs going to Iraq to fight the US forces.

(Finally, lay the old regional war thing on him so we can cover our asses regarding our bombing of Lebanon).

And you really must view this as a regional war. This will not be over until the forces that advocate terrorism and violence are eradicated. We have a long way to go.

(Good boy. There’s a nice doggie. Now, here’s your Champagne).

Thanks! Er nevermind, I was just talking to myself.

Asif Waqar Ahmed, your opinion is your opinion. Nothing more, nothing less.

So do us all a favor and don’t try and speak for all Kurds and/or Iraqis.

You are calling out Fred Smith, but your own self-righteousness is awfully embarrassing.

Not everyone hates the USA. You do, and you’ve made that abundantly clear. Too bad for you. They are there to help a region and people who need it. It’s too bad you are blinded by your hatred to see that.

Sorry to say, but it does become America’s business when Iraq or anyone else threatens the US with mass destruction bombs. (Iraq, Iran, China, N.Korea). Iraq brought the problems on themselves by playing 3 card monte with the inspections. They could have just as easily conformed to international regulations which would have changed the course of events and outcome. Bush would not have been allowed to get away with his WMD claim.

The danger to the west is compounded by the fact when we look around the world, we see the constant violence by Muslims on innocent civialians (Bali, Spain, UK, US, Phillipines, India, Thailand, etc.) mainly because they can not accept any western thoughts or have tolerance towards another religion. Even dealing with an infidel is ground for death. It makes the west very nervous about allowing Mullahs/dictators to control countries that are known to have nuclear development.

[quote]Asif Waqar Ahmed, your opinion is your opinion. Nothing more, nothing less.

So do us all a favor and don’t try and speak for all Kurds and/or Iraqis.

You are calling out Fred Smith, but you own self-righteousness is awfully embarrassing.

Not everyone hates the USA. You do, and you’ve made that abundantly clear. Too bad for you. They are there to help a region and people who need it. It’s too bad you are blinded by your hatred to see that.[/quote]


While I very much appreciate your support, I also think that the loss of one’s mother and child due to US bombs is something that would no doubt contribute a great deal to hatred. I disagree with Asif’s points BUT we must be sympathetic given his very grave loss. Pressing ahead to ensure that Iraq does become a stable, democratic nation is the best solution to compensate for the deaths that we have caused directly or indirectly. Remember after all what the US did to the Shias when we refused to support them after calling for them to rise up against Saddam in 1991. Perhaps, in this regard, we are now getting a little of our own back, but we cannot complain about that.

My point, however, does remain. The Kurdish leadership has actively sought out US support for these actions and for the most part they have supported them to the hilt. This level of support and direct pressure on the US to act must also be taken into consideration. I think that is only fair.

[quote=“fred smith”]
My point, however, does remain. The Kurdish leadership has actively sought out US support for these actions and for the most part they have supported them to the hilt. This level of support and direct pressure on the US to act must also be taken into consideration. I think that is only fair.[/quote]

So what will eventually happen with the Turks regarding the Kurds.
It was only 10 years ago (with Clinton pretending it didn’t happen) the Turks massacred thousands of Kurds.
Is the reason the Kurds are supposedly friendly with the US because of their desires for a nation?

If the US allow the Turks to repeat their massacre where will that leave the Kurds with regards to Iraq.

Iraq is an insane mess and the ramifications could make it even worse.

Asif Waqar Ahmed do you want a Kurdistan to exist or are you happy with the status quo?
What are your feelings on the Turks and this issue?

How would Saddam Hussein have been a threat to the United States without weapons of mass destruction? I realize I should know the answer but I’m coming up blank.