Continuous Headache/ Lightheadness - Allergies?

If that’s the case, you’d be correct regarding sugar levels. However, there are a myriad of reasons of headaches including but not limited just diabetes and hypertension. Just asking you to keep an open mind and we can help others in the forum who just moved like me and and are seeking help or positive advice. My health is none of your concern. Why don’t you try helping the people here who are suffering from headaches.

I don’t know man you mentioned you had similar problems, very common cause would be high blood pressure, hypertension and diabetes…I also mentioned allergies. So just stating the obvious, check with a doc.

First of all, headache is not an indication of hypertension. The times when my bp is very high (like 150/100) I feel completely fine. It’s called the silent killer for a reason.

Also don’t bother googling for why you have headache or else you will be convinced you have terminal brain cancer! Seriously simple stuff like being slightly harder to breathe when bending over to tie your shoes google says you have severe heart failure and your days are numbered…

(In case you don’t know difficulty breathing when hunched over is normal because your organs squeeze on your diaphragm. If you are trapped in an extreme hunched over position such as being hung by your pants and unable to get out, you can actually die from this. It’s happened before)

That’s me done then.

yeah if there is shit in it it might not be good for you :poop:

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