Coronavirus and Religion

Not clear. Thx

I am like God, and God like me. I am as large as God, He is as small as I. He cannot above me, nor I beneath Him be. Selatius, 17th Century.

Are you referring to Angelus Silesius?

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This one. Yah thanks for the spelling correction.

How may we mortals begin to understand Coronavirus in terms of God’s Great Plan™?

@discobot quote

:left_speech_bubble: If you love life, don’t waste time, for time is what life is made up of. — Bruce Lee


But wasn’t Bruce an atheist?! :astonished:

@discobot fortune

:crystal_ball: Better not tell you now

Jesus wept :flog:

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Brainwash then by giving them 10 commandments on a chit saying this is love.

Israel was in the beginning a theocracy. All governments have law. Otherwise there would be anarchy.

I get it, and I believe much the same when it comes to the nature of reality. If various people will refrain from aggressively asserting that they do know and people who disagree with them are somehow flawed, I think I’d be totally fine.

The universe is an uncontrolled, random procession of events and interactions; moreover, we the have the known reliability and consistency of science to prove it.

Unless what appears to be random is actually order and precision at a level of complexity which you cannot process.


And the relative reliability and consistency of science are the closest we can come to beginning to comprehend the (for us) incomprehensible.

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Random? Scientists are searching for one neat theory that governs the entire universe.

Your statement is a contradiction.

You can’t do science if this universe was meaningless gibberish.

Why not? Just because we may not have the tools today doesn’t mean the universe is not gibberish. Einstein initially didn’t understand quantum mechanics - uncertainty. But that is a real thing.

Quantum mechanics isn’t gibberish. You know the exact distribution of locations and events.

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[quote=“OysterOmelet, post:76, topic:189688”]
Random? Scientists are searching for one neat theory that governs the entire universe.[/quote]
Searching for, not found. Is there one? We don’t know

This little corner appears to be orderly- which tells us nothing of how it got that way.

Unless it isn’t. There may be a giant one-eyed purple monster in my closet- or there may not.