Coronavirus crisis open thread - March

Penghu? Matsu? Kinmen?

I would say, you left for enjoyment? Now enjoy your stay in a remote quarantine.


I think we need to be careful though. Maybe shutdown most unnecessary gatherings for 2 weeks starting from tomb sweeping.


The number rate for Japan is also quite low?? Wonder how they got it down without lockdown??

Someone remarked that the WHO has confirmed that China has not reported any cases in two days…

…hence, they have confirmed that Taiwan is not part of China! :smiling_imp: :rofl:


They still won’t cancel schools? …

By not testing?

Priority is to go on with the Olympics, no matter what. Have look at the expat forums/FB groups, they are appalled.


Keep the returnees locked down thr airport for 2 weeks.

Its big enough. Block off a terminal. Put some temporary beds in. Enforce they stay apart.

Stop them getting anywhere near the cities.


I am getting to the point of being skeptical with Taiwan numbers. Of all 6k who returned only a few have the plague? Come on now

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No. Wait 14 days to see how many. Nine landed already symptomatic.


How did they get on the plane in the first place?

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Well, I hear you, but the job of the CDC et al. kind of looks analogous to an attempt to build a big, special, elaborate chicken coop during a typhoon.

i see China has it all under control and people back at work
:2cents: :2cents: +1

Yeah, some of those numbers are puzzling. Then again, maybe I made an arithmetic mistake. Lemme check.

Edited to add:

I’m just using Google for population, and it gives me “126.8 million (2017).” The Johns Hopkins figure for confirmed cases (I guess they’re confirmed) checks out at 943.

The easy way is to just divide 943 by 126.8 in my little Windows calculator, get 7.4369085173501577287066246056782, and round it off. But it’s been so long since I did any math that involved actual thinking that I didn’t trust my judgment, so when I first started doing them I did this (probably not the Japan one; this is just an example):

That looked tiresome, time-consuming, and mistake-risky, so I finally got a lick of sense and used that first method.

A few years back (2015, I think), I re-took the GRE, and my math score was geologically low, so for all I know, I may have messed that whole thing up. :slight_smile:

But ah dun mah bess.

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WTF! Idiocy!

"Writing on his Facebook page late on Thursday in a post entitled “Buy as much as possible, there’s plenty of goods”, Taiwan Premier Su Tseng-chang said it was the ideal opportunity to buy more Taiwanese products in a boon for the economy.

“Taiwan is a kingdom of fruits, a kingdom of fisheries, and a big food processing country. During the Wuhan pneumonia epidemic, as the economy is slowing down, of course the government encourages everyone to enthusiastically buy,” he wrote.

Looks more like they created an alt account… Did the first one get banned? Did they forget their password? Not sure I want 2 strains of Wu-flu gumming up the thread, the one in real life is more than enough.

Re Japan, this dude explains it…

Japanese counting.

More of a reason for a 14 day lockdown. I am very uneasy with schools still being open. Only one silently infected is enough to bring a whole bunch down.

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I think that’s why all returning travelers have to be quarantined for 2 weeks.
On the other hand, it’s crazy how high the percentage of travelers with the virus is… for instance, the Egypt or Turkey tour groups that have a bunch of sick people. Must be much more widespread out there than they’re letting on for it to so readily infect these Taiwanese coming home.