Coronavirus crisis open thread - March

Bottle it as a fuel source


You obviously have this all thought out. :salute:

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5 posts were merged into an existing topic: From coronavirus

Very impressive. I assume the test results are run in batches and therefore they get the reports hours or a day later. If they run them one by one and report in ten minutes that would be even more impressive.

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Seattle just wants to horn in on that sweet, sweet- if non-existent- federal cash that San Francisco is getting.

this is a weasel word

Old Age allows one to fart at ones choosing.

I’d think that after 50kg of beans, the “choice” part of the equation would be missing… :thinking:


I go for oat meal and powdered milk. Vitamin tablets and English tea.

I prefer Heinz Baked Beans for farting power.

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Four confirmed cases within 150 meters of my door, actually.


I gave you a like but don’t know why.
You already got two, so I thought make it three.
Not that you think I like this virus so close to you!

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Keep safe! May I ask how you know so precisely the location of cases?

In Chiayi city/county there are no reported cases so far, so we’re pretty lax so far; not too many people wearing masks in my area.

But, buying an oyster omelette tonight, I noticed the boss lady pull DOWN her mask to cough :scream:

I ate the delicious omelette (I always pay extra for double oysters anyways).

Anyone willing to pay tributes “F” just in case?

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Considering he shakes a thousand hands and kisses hundreds every week, I no longer think it’s that outlandish to suspect the Pope may have coronavirus.

Where are you?

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Those might be the facilities located in China owned by Taiwanese companies. It’s doubtful that’s a direct impact locally.

" [AhDohGah] May I ask how you know so precisely the location of cases?"
No idea how to quote for replies in this new system (I’m a bit of an old-timer and Luddite here), but anyway… two reasons:

  1. My former student lives in the building, and when they disinfected it they put up a notice saying don’t panic.
  2. When those four cases were confirmed, there were multiple sources of improperly detailed information spread via the internet, Line etc. which made the rounds before the authorities quite quickly busted the sources. They corresponded with #1 above. Obviously, don’t give out information which violates people’s privacy, including names, addresses and ID numbers. 'Nuf said.

I am sick to death of all the rumors and false News people are sending me all over. From neighbors, classmates, my landlady!.. A la porra los wumaos!¡¡ :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

On one hand, things are not that bad if China has to make up horror stories.

Our 40 against nearly 4000 in Korea seems better but truth us, the wind can change quickly.


You can bet your ass if 50 000 cement workers were out of work, White Wolf or whatever that dude’s name is would be all over the news leading gov’t protests.