Coronavirus Open Thread 2023

No, you have everyone following their own priorities and releasing wild guesses as seems right this morning

Guess we’ll have to wait and see what the post office thinks then.


They mailed their report weeks ago but it hasn’t turned up and no-one is sure where it went.


It’s kind of a huge non-story when you think about it. The Energy Department has announced they have developed a theory there was a lab leak with low confidence! Slow news week.

Just you wait. Reuters and AP obviously haven’t yet picked up the story of those Koreans misbehaving in a Taiwanese restaurant.


Me, too.

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Just in case anyone still believes Project Fear wasn’t a thing.

Fear and guilt are powerful emotions. Obviously, the politicians felt neither.

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So basically they played politics. The question hanging in the air is “why?”. Was it all just an exciting game for them? Did they actually have some unspoken purpose or agenda? What was so damn important that it justified ruining the nation?

The more of this stuff comes to light, the less it makes sense.

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They deliberately attempted to manipulate the populace with psychological tricks, backed up with mandates that they didn’t appear to believe in or follow themselves.

9 posts were merged into an existing topic: How do I report a positive COVID case with an rapid antigen test?

It seems quite clear at this point that they weren’t overly bothered about any risk to themselves. And if there were a genuine risk to others, they wouldn’t have needed to exaggerate anything.

So what was the end game? I find it hard to believe that it was nothing more than a plot to make money. You don’t bring an entire country to its knees and ruin its economic prospects for decades just so you can buy a new house and a fancy car.

How about for a boat or promotion (in politics or business)?

Or a knighthood. I dunno, I’m just completely baffled. It really does bring home the meaning of “the banality of evil”. These people were apparently so disconnected from the consequences of their penpushing they seem not to have even cared how many people were hurt in the process.

I can recall reading something about Himmler making a rare visit to a concentration camp where he witnessed a mass execution. He was apparently visibly upset by the fact that people don’t just quietly drop down dead when you shoot them - until that point, all the killings had just been numbers in reports passing across his desk. I wonder if the likes of Matt Wanksock were made to sit in a room with hundreds of people who had lost their livelihoods, their relationships, their family members, or their health as a result of their “mandates” and listen to their stories, they might be a little bit shocked, or even repentant. Or whether they’d just sit there smirking and handing out insults about anti-vaxers and covidiots.

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They live their lives deperately avoiding being put into any such situation. If it at all occurred, then I suspect smirking, unless the cameras were rolling, and then we’d get the well-rehearsed “repentance.”

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I’d say “unbelievable”, but it no longer is.


People have been arguing for three years that these decisions were made based on science. Teams of experts reaching a consensus. When all along, it was one fucking idiot. One guy doing what makes him look good.

Can almost guarantee it is the same in other countries.

If I think really hard, I could probably think of another country which has frightened the population and been slow to role back restrictions. Just so nobody will think that we shouldn’t have had them to begin with.


Exactly what I was thinking when I read that. Almost precisely the same things occurring in a country we’re all familiar with, and most likely underpinned by the same sort of pissing contests between outsized egos more concerned with their own prospects than with the health of the nation.

Let’s not forget, though, that the media were responsible for parroting whatever Hancock said as fact. Apparently all he had to do was give the editors a nod and they’d run whatever he wanted.

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Looks like his lawyer is almost as smart as him


Wow. Aside from the email typo, the whole rant didn’t make a lot of sense. I’m not the expert that he is, but I would have thought if something looks like evidence of serious crimes, I’m pretty sure that both contractual obligations and NDA’s go out the window.

He comes across as either not particularly clever, or playing with a few cards short of a full deck.

There’s something going on. Alcohol is my bet.

He apologized for his error, which is to be applauded. Not many people in the public eye have the balls to do it.