Coronavirus Open Thread (October-December 2020)

Just don’t care what they eat or what TV they watch.


And get back to the coronavirus.

I don’t think anyone wants to be fat and diabetic. People don’t get there ovenight and don’t get back into shape easily.

The other part of the problem is the stuff we’re putting into our air and water. Plastics. Chemicals that are poorly studied but almost certainly have the potential to affect the endocrine system in disturbing ways. Etc. etc.

We’re looking for science and technology to save us, but it’s a big part of what’s killing us in the first place.

But the thing is that we’re going down the path of rapidly vaccinating potentially billions of people, the vast vast majority of whom are statistically not likely to die, with novel kinds of vaccines for which we have limited longitudinal data about safety and efficacy.

Vaccines, in principle, are good. They have saved countless lives. But that doesn’t mean that vaccination is always the appropriate answer.

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What any of you don’t get is that is that it REALLY isn’t your business what other people eat or enjoy as entertainment as long as it’s not illegal.

That’s called freedom.

If I want to live in a fundamentalist country I would just move to Saudi Arabia.

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Why are we not allowed to even talk about this? The NHS used to spend at least a quarter of its vast budget on tackling the consequences of Metabolic Syndrome; that’s by official estimates, not my biased guess. They’re now snowed under because they failed to tackle that problem.

In a sense I agree with you that if someone wants to play Russian Roulette with their own life, that’s their own problem. When they expect society to arrange itself entirely around their desire to destroy themselves, I’m going to get very upset.

“Your right to swing your fist ends at my nose”. That’s the rationale for mask mandates, lockdowns, etc. Why is it not applied to people bringing the health service to its knees?

You can talk about it but it’s not really relevant here.

It’s just you guys feeling frustrated and venting.

Not really that helpful to the core topic.

If you want to criticise other people for their lifestyle choices constantly I suggest making a new thread.

So shouldn’t people have the freedom to not be forced into paying into health insurance systems and social safety nets that spend disproportionate amounts on health issues that are primarily caused by diet and lifestyle?

Free me from paying for the externalities of a lard-based diet, and you can eat all the lard you want without any complaints from me.

Why don’t you create another thread about it ?
Then we can go down that rabbit hole of where that leads…

Otherwise this thread is pretty much useless venting on your part.

The underlying cause of COVID-19 deaths, and the accompanying economic meltdown, is not relevant to the COVID-19 epidemic.


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It’s not relevant really
There’s nothing that can be done to change it quickly nor is it very timely or useful information .

And people’s entertainment choices are CERTAINLY not relevant.

As I said create another thread about this topic will stop making this one less useful

Sure there is. Stop telling people lies. But then the pharma industry will suffer grievously, and we can’t have that.

If I were able to withdraw my tax funding from ICUs, then I’d agree with you.

Because we don’t live in fundamentalist societies.

What you want requires long term change.

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Talks about freedom in a coronavirus open thread. Then tells people they shouldn’t talk about the parts of the coronavirus pandemic that he doesn’t like. :roll_eyes:

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Reversal of metabolic syndrome, properly treated, occurs in a matter of weeks. Thousands of lives could have been saved with simple, low-cost, targeted interventions. But this isn’t about saving lives. It’s about power, and it’s about money. People have died for ideology - specifically, the belief that we can’t tell people what they ought to eat.

No because you are just venting about fat people.

I can scan your genome and vent about your bad genes and phenotype too that’s going to 'cost society ’ so much , it just isn’t that obvious at first glance.

That’s where this goes…

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And? If I knew I was genetically predisposed to some illness and engaged in the behavior that made expression of those genes more likely, you’d have a legitimate reason to complain.

Bottom line is that we know have enough data to show that one of the groups most vulnerable to SARS-CoV-2 is people with metabolic disorders that are typically associated with poor diet and lifestyle choices. That’s totally relevant to the discussion of how we should respond to the virus.

It’s NONE of my business.

It would be your business if you were being forced to do things as a result of my behavior.

Bottom line is that we now have enough data to show that one of the groups most vulnerable to SARS-CoV-2 is people with metabolic disorders that are typically associated with poor diet and lifestyle choices. That’s totally relevant to the discussion of how we should respond to the virus.

Experts have been warning for years about obesity and diabetes, and now we’re dealing with a pandemic that shows why those warnings should be taken even more seriously.

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That it is none of my business nor do you have the constitutional power to tell people what to eat or watch on TV.

Thank God !

But the government apparently has the Constitutional power to force me to pay for the entirely predicable consequences of you sitting on the couch and eat lard all day.

And people wonder why the US is heading towards a second civil war.