Coronavirus - Taiwan 2021

The daily numbers, especially today’s, are not giving any cause for optimism whatsoever.

I’m increasingly convinced that we urgently need a circuit-breaking lockdown.

But business interests do not want it, and it looks as if business interests are going to prevail.

For the most probable consequences of this, see what happened in the UK when Johnson’s government prevaricated about locking down in the first weeks of escalating spread last year.

As Johnson’s former special adviser Dominic Cummings testified in the House of Commons yesterday, the consequence of a 3-week delay in the imposition of the UK’s first lockdown was that “Tens of thousands of people died who didn’t need to die.”

On the plus side for us, we have a better tracing system than the UK, though there’s reason to be concerned about it struggling to cope with rapid and widely dispersed spread of the virus. We also have far better border controls, the biggest plus point in our favour, together with substantially better arrangements for quarantine and home isolation.

On the minus side, we have much lower testing capacity, and we’re contending with a far more infectious variant of Covid.

I agree with Ko-P that there are only two ways to effectively put a lid on this outbreak before it overwhelms the health system: either mass vaccination or a prompt, hard lockdown. And since we don’t have anywhere near enough vaccines for mass vaccination, and are at least months away from any hope thereof, we need to bite the bullet and go into a strict nationwide lockdown.

A lockdown need not bring a full stop to the most important areas of economic activity. Given the massive importance of the semiconductor industry, priority can be given to keeping it in operation as fully as possible by allowing its employees to continue going to work as essential workers, with appropriate arrangements made to maximize their protection from the virus and minimize the risks of it being spread in their places of work.

If we don’t have a circuit-breaking lockdown forthwith, we’re more than likely to need a much longer and more damaging lockdown later on, when many lives will already have been lost, many people made severely ill, many livelihoods destroyed, many other damaging effects sustained, which could have been prevented by an early lockdown.


Or we can just accept China’s deal and not have lockdowns at all.

Because even if China vaccine is no good it would at least turn COVID into a flu instead of killing people.

When you got basically every blue controlled local governments wanting to make back of the hand deals with China, even Terry Guo buying vaccines with his own money, you know the pressure from the business interest is on.

They’ll accept Chinese vaccines before they’ll have a hard lockdown.

Services? What services? :thinking:


A regular flu actually is also very capable of killing elderly people, it just doesn’t spread quite as well.

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I firmly believe Taiwan could have stamped this out with an early lockdown. As soon as it was clear the virus was in the community, that should have been it—everything shut except grocery stores and food places (to avoid panic-buying). Fined for going out without reason etc. A snap 2 weeks, would have stopped the spread, allowed time for the virus to develop in people already developed—anyone in contact with them has to do an additional 2 weeks quarantine. Then, have 2 weeks of heavy restrictions (as it is now)

Instead, they delayed. Kept people going to work spreading it out. And now we’re in this mess.


I would but your voice is a flat tone drone - within 2 minutes I’m making a cup of tea.

More like 'content with the cases not rising strongly, but retroactively revealed to actually be rising strongly but nobody noticed because we are adding the cases retroactively ’


Just in case the OP meets a gansta :wink:

A smile added goes a long away…but wait. We’re wearing :mask:

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Nice cup of tea :grinning::smiley:

I do find it a bit ridiculous how the NIA still requires you to go to their office to collect an ARC or update any contact details. Would it really be so difficult to amend these details online? Or deliver new ARCs in the post?

Similarly, I really think that government should temporarily do away with the hospital health check requirement for a new (teaching) work permit or ARC. Hospitals really aren’t where I want to be right now, and it’s a waste of overstretched staff time and resources.

Hopefully the government will get rid of all this faff and paperwork, it’s just needlessly increasing the spread.


Play mahjong? Difficult to control in huge apartment complexes.

Probably for security reasons. But the health check requirement seems a lot. Places left and right requiring health checks places a lot of unnecessary pressure on healthcare systems.

It was late. I was tired. I will sound like this in such a condition. Maybe trying to keep my voice down as well, not too much expression, because of the neighbors. It was like 1030 when I finished the recording. I was doing voice overs for a client earlier in the evening and rehearsals before that. I was tired. Look at the bags under my eyes and all the wrinkles !!! I’m a mess


You know that you can not compare Taiwan with Western countries right? In Europe not going to work, being unemployed, closing your business gives you the right for a replacement income, in Taiwan zip.


Maybe we will see a reduction of opening hours to 1-3 hours a day. Huge crowds and queues ensured!


Why, the service of declining service, of course.

Spreading opening hours and limiting contacts. Appointments.

The government should probably step in soon. I know lots of street vendors impacted. Some of them are living month to month and paying ~100k NTD a month for rent at a prime location, and barely breaking even. They’ll probably be closed for half a year at this rate.

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Yeah, it’s not very well thought out. The health check process means you end up visiting multiple hospital departments and staff, and requires you to return for collection. That’s just for one sponsor - if you get a part-time job, and your health check is over 3 months old, you’ll need to do the whole process again.

But its the case of lockdown and lose business for 2 weeks. Or dont lockdown and lose business for months because it spreads.

A 2 week immediate lockdown would cause less damage than months of things not being open.