Coronavirus - Taiwan 2021

yeah, will be shit.

Last round all I got was 10,000nt. All of it went to the landlords.

Which I really think the bailouts are for the landlord class.

I think this time it’s something like 10,000nt for 3 months.

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How many of you are pining for Han as our (would-be) President?

Do you miss him as your mayor?


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They can check the results with the NHI app:

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This just in:



This just in.

Moderna has arrived.


He was thick as a brick, but none of his policies personally harmed me. Then again, there wasn’t really much opportunity to cause harm. 80% of the reason people hated him was his arrogant personality and ignorance of basic facts, kind of like Trump. If he kept his mouth shut and attended to his mayoral duties more, I don’t think he would’ve won the presidency, but he might still be Kaohsiung mayor. Kind of getting off track now… hypothetically if he were President I think he would’ve been terrible, just in a different KMT esque way. My feeling is he would’ve gone the anti-science strongman route like Bolsonaro, Duterte or… well… Trump.


Isn’t it just the 200 test samples though? Or did more come in?

I think more just came in.


Any vaccine news is good news. :+1:

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Domestic consumption is held up by all the small eateries and drink (bubble tea) shops. Night markets.

Do you have a source?

Was just on TV a while ago

Do you want to work with amah and the kids at home, in a 30 ping apartment?


Couldn’t be any more obvious than it is now.

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Well, nobody wants to spend a second more than is necessary in Taoyuan. So as soon as they can, they hurry off to Taipei. They’re not going to spend their time in Taiwan’s #1 shithole wandering around spreading it.


Unbelievably, our company boss (!) said that too, in an all-hands online meeting. And she is in the office now, even she doesn’t need to at all.


9 posts were merged into an existing topic: Coronavirus Vaccine in Taiwan - May 2021

The feasibility of working from home depends a lot on the home. I felt bad for a student who was just doing a presentation in my online class - there were two or three kids playing rather loudly in the background, and she was very apologetic about it (unnecessarily so, I kept assuring her). In a lot of apartments, there probably isn’t a place for people to work at home. No office, no computer room, it’ll be everyone at the dining table.

Has this actually been confirmed? I know it’s the common assumption, but I thought there wasn’t yet an established link between Novotel and the Wanhua cluster.


No. The DPP promotes democracy, the CCP promote totalitarianism.

DPP wins. By a hundred bazillion.