Coronavirus - Taiwan 2021

Taoyuan is strange.

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That started a long time ago and was randomly enforced at different places and different times and different staff.

Maybe it’s picking up again.

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Oh. First time I’ve experienced it.

I suppose it’s a minor reduction in contact. Every little helps.

Except Sweden has 500 000 cases out of a country of 10 million. The issue is, it’s extremely contagious, but it would take years before it ravages most countries.

Years and years and years of suffering. This way is the fastest way. We wouldn’t be over and done, we’d be waiting 5-10 years.

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I believe that Australia has a system like this though it’s voluntary to use. A person who I was talking with says in his area, nearly everybody has the app installed and they have really low covid rates.

Singapore uses something similar.

It could probably be successful in Taiwan but I think that all of us know a good number of countries who would riot if things like this were proposed.

It’s a spectrum. Many strong people are stuck with lifelong lung scarring and other long term effects.

I’d be a hypocrite if I agreed with this while trying to prevent my grandmother from dying from it.


Initially, I figured they were lying about their numbers or simply not doing enough testing though the more that I read the more that I come to the same conclusion you have.

Considering the hygiene habits of some people, this is good for staff, who are the primary reason that I wear my mask into such stores (and appear to be in the minority for doing so in some locations).

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… or perhaps life could carry on almost as normal. See this carefully researched blog on Swedish 2020 death rates. Not too shabby. Just another respiratory virus to deal with.

Yes, Covid 2020 was real (and continues to be real at least until spring 2021, as all seasonal viruses). The number of deaths 2020 was higher than it should have been, which ever way we define “Excess”. Not exceptionally higher, and far from all the disaster scenarios painted by media, politicians.

Was the Swedish Government’s response adequate ? To a large extent yes. Until they panicked and lost their mind in November 2020, and introduced “ The Swedish Enabling Act “, a form of legislation that is a disgrace to any nation pretending to be democratic

Where “The Strategy” failed was in protecting the frail and elderly, particularly in the care homes.

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I dunno about you but I like my grandmother alive.

It’s easy to talk about it when it’s about other people’s families.

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No-one’s advocating exterminating your relatives (or mine).

If they’re vulnerable, they can still isolate at home. They can shop at certain daytime periods set aside for those who are isolating (or, and safer, just get food delivered to home). Locking down entire countries hardly appears to be a good measure of protection. It just prolongs the agony for everybody.

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All school winter camps cancelled, going back home and can begin my holidays :grinning:

The thing is that Taiwan doesn’t have to go down the path that leads to calls for lockdowns.

Again, look at Vietnam. Where necessary, they’ve isolated large numbers of people in government-run quarantine facilities, but the result is that a country of 100 million people has remained virtually virus-free even after a number of clusters where there was some community spread.


The king of Sweden has announced a few weeks ago that the Swedish model has been a failure. The Swedish prime minister has done the same yesterday or the day before yesterday. Many other Swedish officials have as well. You are really pushing something which not even the Swedes believe in any longer and they have now introduced restrictions like most of their neighbours.


Around 5000 people will need to do quarantine in Taoyuan, perhaps a bit too late, but still a good move to try to mitigate the situation there. I heard some people are angry with it, mostly because of CNY, but personally I feel a bit concerned with the current situation, and I’m taking extra precaution. I think the next couple of days will be decisive to tell us how bad the situation can be.


Yes, the new quarantine requirements announced last night are closer to Vietnam’s. A bit late but better than nothing.

I do wish Taiwan would extend the quarantine requirement to close contacts of close contacts (Vietnam’s F2s).


Wait what - All school winter camps cancelled? Does that include other winter camps (eg: sports center camps)?

Not sure if it is in the entire Taiwan but Taoyuan city government has cancelled ALL school activities


Winter camps and courses of various kinds also cancelled in Hualien.

Which is utter madness and extended hysteria, but just letting you all know.


Maybe if the CDC had been more aggressive in dealing with the hospital cluster so that thousands of people weren’t being put into quarantine after many of them had already been out and about, resulting in possible community exposures, we wouldn’t see this hysteria.