Coronavirus - Taiwan Developments Jan. 2022

You guys are engaging in wishful thinking if you believe that Taiwan will follow Norway’s example and not shut down tighter than a duck’s ass. This is Taiwan, a conservative country in East Asia. No, we’re not China, which is currently locking people in their apartments in one of their Omicrummy regions right now. But we’re not THAT different. Even if no one is dying or getting seriously sick (or more realistically, very few are) there will still be a level of shutting down and with it, pain. East Asian countries understand the importance of protecting public health; unfortunately, they have not grasped the concept of protecting psychological health to the extent Western countries do. If Omicron seriously spreads, then businesses will be shuttered, kids will be stuck at home, those with special needs will be denied services, etc, etc. at least for a while until reality sets in that it can’t be contained.