Coronavirus Taiwan Open - April-June 2022

6 posts were merged into an existing topic: From coronavirus

Encephalitis can develop from any number of viruses. You can also develop it from tick bites.

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Need your guys’ help.

In English there are loads of articles which state a false positive on a rapid test is highly unlikely, but in Chinese I can’t find anything.

Reason I need it is because wife’s dad just tested positive, and they are all saying “it’s probably just a cold, a cold can make the rapid test be positive” which is obviously BS


The package insert will tell you what the specificity is. If you are symptomatic, with a high background rate of infection, the chances of a false positive are very low indeed.

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Trying to avoid lockdown. Leave the guy alone.

I see diabetes is common. Wonder how diabetes and Covid mix to make someone who has diabetes more susceptible to dieing from Covid.

Diabetes is common.

People dying of COVID might coincidentally have diabetes. It doesn’t mean there’s a correlation.


So you’re saying that covid GIVES diabetes? :cold_sweat:


Yeah, that’s what I was thinking. Diabetes prevalence in Taiwan seems to be on the order of 10% anyway, or 20-25% in the age groups dying of/with COVID. It doesn’t appear hugely different from the proportion of people in those tables labeled as having diabetes (12/29 for today, many of whom apparently also had other serious stuff going on).

The age-specific prevalence rate divided by age group <20 y/o, 20-40 y/o, 40-60 y/o, 60-80 y/o and ≄80 y/o in 2008 was 0.08%, 0.52%, 7.64%, 20.04% and 18.67%, respectively, for men, and 0.08%, 0.80%, 5.70%, 22.44% and 23.63% for women.

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No. Diabetes is way over represented in the case fatalities. If you take a random sampling of people, you’re not going to find that many cases of diabetics popping up. Same with stroke victims, those with neuromuscular disorders, those recovering from cancer, etc. Obviously it’s linked.

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You’re right there’s more a proven link


But could the real culprit be weight?

and 85 percent of diabetics are overweight.


Not sure that article is relevant to here though.
I know a quite lot of people here with diabetes and they are all pretty thin (generally type 1). Looking at the ages of people dying here with COVID and diabetes, most are older, and you really don’t see many older people here who are obese. (Though there is definitely an obesity problem developing amongst younger generations with all the over-sugared bubble tea drinks and fried foods they consume.)

The data given doesn’t say which type of diabetes people had. Perhaps it is type 1 diabetes which is related to genetics, rather than type 2 which is more related to poor quality food and obesity.


I thought Taiwan had the highest rate of obesity in East Asia? Or, perhaps I dreamt it.

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I could be swayed to believe it’s not obesity here. It should be looked at, though, because the trend seems very clear in Taiwan.

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Overweight, diabetic, it’s basically the same thing. Someone who is obese has, of necessity, lost blood sugar control (or is on that downhill slope). Someone will point out that Taiwanese diabetics often aren’t fat, and that’s true; they lack the western ability to become vast beached whales. Therefore their bodies run out of places to dump excess metabolic power sooner than they otherwise would, and the whole cascade of T2D follows from there. People who have the ability to stack on fat seemingly without limit become diabetic later on; that, partly, is the source of the myth that you can be fat and healthy.

Bloody walter willett, though, and the HSPH, have been at the forefront of making people fat and ill for about 30 years. It was they who were at the forefront of the low-fat craze (low fat, and now low-meat, inevitably means a vast fraction of energy from carbs). People died so that WW could keep publishing the sort of pseudoscientific bullshit trotted out in that article and make a good living from it.


It’s also down to the “Don’t mention the obesity word!” problem. Consequently, researchers look for health issues that obesity causes. So, in this case diabetes becomes the bad guy. Perhaps a pill to cure diabetes will be the solution? Cha Ching!

Two plus years to sort out the elephant in the room. The problem wasn’t addressed incorrectly, it was avoided.


Haven’t you heard? They’ve now got the magic bullet pill that supresses appetite, so people can starve themselves without even noticing that they’re starving. God only knows what side effects that’s going to cause (chronic malnutrition, I assume) but that’s the sort of product that you end up with when WW and his ilk keep wittering on about “too many calories”. But yeah, ka-ching. We’re hearing that sound a bit more than usual lately, aren’t we?

This stuff really makes me mad. While the CECC wave their arms around about - what’s the official number now? - a dozen people per million dying “of” covid, thousands die every year from the sequelae of uncontrolled T2D.

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WW, who could that be? Woodrow Wilson? Willy Wonka?

Walter White?

Where’s waldo!