Coronavirus vaccination: pros, cons, alternatives

I can see it being worthwhile for at risk people but I don’t see it as necessary if you’re a healthy person and not elderly.

I’ve said this many times but it seems to me that the best way to avoid being sick and having complications while sick is to get strong and healthy. I’ve seen some of these booster fanatics and they look to be in bad physical health. It’s baffling they will line up for a booster every few months but not make basic changes to their life in terms of health and longevity beyond even the scope of Covid.


They’re the best customers! :moneybag:

I can recall posting something way back in 2020 illustrating that COVID risk tracks all-cause mortality risk with an absolutely incredible correlation coefficient - IIRC, it was about 0.95, which is as near to a perfect correlation as you get in the messy real world. COVID risk basically is all-cause risk; the two things are indistinguishable. There are multiple sources now illustrating this - my favorite is the CECC document (the one that has lots of four-month-old “surveys” in it) detailing the age and condition of the people who died of omicron. Another good one was the study showing that almost all of the people who died of COVID had serious Vitamin D deficiency, ie., they weren’t in good health.

The implication of this is twofold: not only are you likely to protect yourself from COVID by becoming more healthy, but getting vaccinated is unlikely to do much for those “at risk”, for the simple reason that their bodies aren’t healthy enough to react to the vaccine in a useful manner. This also has been documented - after all the oldies had had their shot. I think the UK JCVI summary of NNTV values for different demographics captures this effect most concisely: vaccinating healthy people is completely useless (NNTV>100,000), while vaccinating at-risk people is mostly useless (NNTV≈30,000).


You can be a real party-pooper! :partying_face: :no_entry_sign: :angry:

I’m thinking of writing a stern letter of complaint.

Maybe even to Fauci himself.

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Four days after her second Covid vaccine, the nurse experienced period bleeding “for no apparent reason”, and three days later was diagnosed with bilateral large-volume pulmonary embolism - a type of blood clot in the lungs - with right heart strain.

It’s quite mental how little attention has been given to the potential for the spike protein to have deleterious effects after being generated in vivo after vaccination. There are papers discussing consequences throughout the body resulting from the spike protein during infection dating back to around mid-2020 (IIRC), mostly related to clotting effects, but the idea that producing it deliberately via vaccination could also do something weird seems to have been almost entirely ignored (despite stuff like that being known to happen with certain proteins, e.g., in Alzheimer’s and prion diseases, both of which remain very poorly understood). I vaguely remember discussing this on here at some point during peak clownworld, 2020 or 2021-ish.

(The John Campbell video posted above also mentions this discrepancy at the start.)


The general stance of the mRNA fanatics is that “oh, this is old technology, not experimental at all, we know everything there is to know about it and it’s perfectly safe”.

The pseudouridine substitution - which is apparently one of the methods used to keep the foreign mRNA from being garbage-collected before it has a chance to do anything useful - turned out to be a little too successful, keeping spike protein production going for days or even weeks. I don’t think anyone knows what effect that might have. My intuition suggests that, when the immune system reacts to a “pathogen” that seems completely invulnerable, it might start doing funny things, because AFAIK we’ve never encountered such a scenario in our evolutionary history. But no doubt I’m completely wrong about that and it’s safe and effective.

On the subject of John Campbell, he just did one of his little talks on the subject of the Nuremberg Code. You have to construct a masterpiece of sophistry to claim that the rules do not apply here, or that something didn’t go terribly wrong during 2021.


Here’s our main man Dr Tedros talking about vaccination alternatives:

Aside from several obvious implications, a slightly less-obvious one is that he must have been issued a fake vaccine passport in order to travel.

I think at the pointy end, passports aren’t actually needed.

What? You’re not suggesting that Tedros doesn’t follow the rules that are put in place for our safety? How could this be?

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Don’t be silly.

I’m suggesting (strongly, and with great passion) that he certainly shouldn’t have to.

Some people are far too valuable to be required to exist in anything other than the most rarefied of airspaces.

Yes, but they surrendered when they got the good news from the Emperor. They had nothing on the hardcore Communists in western countries who splintered from mainstream Communism after Khrushchev’s “secret speech” in order to stay loyal to the ghost of Stalin. :notworthy: :ghost: :notworthy:

Just sayin’.

There’s at least one other type.

Just sayin’. :clinking_glasses:

Here is a nice graph for ‘2015-20 US All-Cause Mortality’ USA

Ok, so what do you think that shows? Maine, Vermont and New Hampshire somehow had some of the smallest differences in the US, while NYC was a disaster. Thoughts?

Speaking of excess deaths. The data is out:

US excess deaths for this year so far total almost 150,000. Pattern is repeated worldwide.

Might be time for new “emergency health measures” :wink:


“In postmenopausal women, the risk of unexpected vaginal bleeding (i.e., postmenopausal bleeding) in the 4 weeks after COVID-19 vaccination was increased two- to threefold, compared to a prevaccination period. The corresponding risk of unexpected vaginal bleeding after vaccination was increased three- to fivefold in both nonmenstruating peri- and premenopausal women.”

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[posted in wrong thread sorry]

In Germany it is now since March 2022 officially recommended to do Aspiration when administering covid vaccine to avoid injecting it into a vein instead of the muscle.