Coronavirus Vaccine in Taiwan - July/August 2021

My wife is. My parents will be soon.


Phase 3 trial begins in Paraguay for Medigen


Preliminary results from October to December

Again, the risk hypocrisy. Billions of women all over the world, of all walks of life, face 10 to 100 times the risk of clots and other health issues to take contraceptive pills.

This is deemed an economic necessity as women have to work, have little access to childcare in most places, and doing research/developing better contraception is too expensive.

Compared to the gains of vaccination, the overall protection for men, women, children, young and old … Ayiooo

Contraceptives aren’t mandatory.


Only 800 people, 400 taking AZ as the control and400 Medigen

Since we can take it here soon, I guess we can also be part of the test group?

Not very confidence inspiring.

No doubt it will also be found to be safe and effective.

It already has been declared as such by none other than the CECC:

“The health ministry said in clinical trials in Taiwan the antibodies created by Medigen’s vaccine candidate had been proven to be “no worse than” those created by AstraZeneca vaccines, and that there were no major safety concerns.

By a jury, like ‘Taiwan Got Talent’!


I’m in. Like their use of the word ‘could’. I will watch with interest, as one of those vials probably has my name on it if I’m coerced into taking the Big V.

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What is the Chinese translation of…The benefits of taking the vaccine outweigh the risks?

how much money would it take for you to take a MEDIGEN vaccine before phase 3 trial?

I’m sure it’s safe enough, but my main concern would be whether it’d be recognized for international travel. So I guess I wouldn’t unless there was ZERO vaccines available of anything else…

No, actually some women are not allowed to use them, are penalized for using them, punished, even killed. But if you don’t use them you can be labeled as irresponsible, lose your job, die during pregnancy/childbirth. So the “mandatory” part is also a grey area.

Think about how “optional” using contraceptives is really as a woman and how much of a real choice of enforcing it’s use.

Again, mAh freedom. Oh, they are forcing me to take a vaccine, I could die!

Even Medigen is going to be safer. It is old tech, like a VCR. You can still watch the porn, just a bit grainy. It is not HD Netflix but it does the job.

Covid vaccines are already mandatory for many women who are above and beyond their reproductive ages. I’m fairly sure most nursing home residents aren’t on the pill, yet must have the jab.

Quite possibly they’ll soon be mandatory for females who are well below reproductive age as well.

The odds of dying from the vaccines are reportedly quite low. I wouldn’t worry.

Mandatory means you are forced to. In the case of nursing homes, unless they are workers, it is that or dead. Workers spread the disease because they are the only ones who go outside. Again they can choose to get a different job or take the shot. It is as mandatory for them as it is some medical training or as a special drivers license for a lorry driver. Sigh.

No one is putting a gun to your head to get vaccinated. But no one will put their hands in the fire to pluck you out when you get sick and they should be able to sue you if you get others sick. Fair is fair.

To the best of the scientist abilities, they have designed the vaccine to save lives. Unless you are of the “big pharma wants to kill us/reduce population” persuasion.

Not just workers. Residents too.

That would be terrible.


That they have.


If a vaccinated person gives it to me, can I still sue them?

I teach little kids. Those parents are gonna be getting court papers with their kid’s school report. I’ll be able to retire early.

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If you want to get the Medigen vaccine, can register intention online up till 13th August. Vaccinations will begin between 23rd and 29