Coronavirus Vaccine in Taiwan - July/August 2021

I thought they said they were opening it today, maybe later? Not seeing change button now.

2pm today opens again.

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so they open at 2pm and close at?

I’m so confused if I register my teens for BNT or if they’re automatically registered because of their age.

Try registering them and see what happens. I’m sure you have to

Apologies, but is the system taking appointment registrations, or just willingness for AZ / mod / bnt?

“Wish” registration is a simple handle. Is that all that’s happening today?

On the 27th it was several hours


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It says this though: “According to the announcement of the CECC on 7/13, people aged 18 or older can begin registering.” The Chinese version says “only” as well, so I’m not sure if you ultimately will need to register teens or not, but it looks like you can’t today.

It says 18 and over only for BNT on the 1922 website. So I guess teens still can’t get it

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Is this wish registration also for those who need a second shot? My first was AZ and I have a date for the second AZ on my yellow card in about a month.

I know one Taiwanese person who homeschools two children. You just need to fill out paperwork at your kid’s school to do it.


We homeschool with an overseas curriculum so aren’t registered with a school

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I just meant Taiwanese students. I don’t know what requirements there are or aren’t for foreigners.

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They make AZ.

vaccine website is crashing for me atm

Were you able to add BNT as your preferred vaccine? Mine can’t. It only shows me the previous info I’ve entered when I first signed up.

im not even able to load the page

Yeah now it’s down. I was able to until around 2:30-ish

Yes we know, but they aren’t making enough, so they are buying more