Coronavirus Vaccine in Taiwan - July/August 2021

Hat tip to @tando for breaking this news earlier today:

Is there room on this sticker for another cartoon animal?



New stickers!


Wow, messed up…

Some guys in Taichung (primary suspect is owner of Taichung-based biotech company) set up fake vaccination registration website for leftover vaccines and tricked ~700 people into giving away their personal info…


We’ve just passed 19%.

It took 50 days to reach 1%. The last 3 days each surpassed 1% of the population!

Let the supplies keep coming in!


Any updates @crusher ? Hope you got your appointment soon. I got two pals in the over 50 no illness with appointments next week.

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6 posts were merged into an existing topic: Questions and Answers about how to get the Coronavirus Vaccine

This is kind of a recap of stories related to covid in Taiwan. Toward the end, it states this:

”疫苗意願登記達814萬人 17萬人1天內變心願打AZ


Roughly: “Over 8 million registered for vaccinations. Among these, 170,000 changed their preference to a willingness to receive AZ in one day.”

Cool. I wonder what happened? In any event, I guess there won’t be a stall in vaccinations due to hesitancy. Not for the next few weeks anyway.


After my vaccination early yesterday morning, I feel very good today, a bit over 24 hours later. I had a fitful sleep last night. The soreness in my arm got more intense than I expected, and I had a slight headache all throughout the night. And I was thirsty all night so I kept drinking from the 1.5l bottle of water I had next to the bed. But this meant multiple bathroom breaks. I still kept forcing myself back to sleep. I slept 'till 8, which I never do.

And today, I feel fantastic! Almost back to 100%. I would like to run later but I will probably hold off for one more day.


It’s almost 23 hours since my second AZ vax. I have some minor muscle aches, a light feeling of swelling in my nasal membranes, some wooziness and fatigue, and what feels like the very edge of a headache, like a slight pressure behind my eyes. It’s milder than what I experienced the first time around, which itself was quite mild.

I will be taking it easy today, and perhaps some Panadol if needed.


Those symptoms might not necessarily be a result of the vaccine. Did you get your flu shot this year yet?

Minister Chen already got his second shot.


That’s almost a four month wait between shots—15 weeks?

Given the stakes involved now, I would have preferred that man to be vaccinated on schedule.


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Same here. Rest more, do not exert physically and take lots of water. Mineral water does wonders for me as well as the special drinks from the pharmacy for cold/fever.

Good article to share with old people

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Article quotes a doctor saying that neither vaccine brand is better than another, then cites research showing Pfizer is better :laughing:

NTC vaccinated only about 60% of its capacity, and wants to increase people making appointments, iiuc.

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Maybe he has been a bit busy and couldn’t risk it if he had it bad the day after.

Imagine the tabloid headlines if he had a day off sick when the delta variant was knocking around a few weeks ago.

My favorite part is this quote “ However, the US Director of Disease Control, Dr. Foqi, said frankly: “Different vaccines cannot be compared horizontally. This comparison is meaningless.”

Ahh . . . isn’t that exactly what Taiwan plans on doing to support the effectiveness of the domestic vaccines.

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Immonobridging! Also know as ‘creative accounting’ in biotech circles :rofl:

yeah I don’t believe much of what the Taiwanese government says. It’s like a door to door salesmen. I’m not going to trust health experts that are going to be using the pfizerBNT vaccine to first vaccinate 13-18year olds. Shows me they don’t have much of an idea how this virus even works.

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