Coronavirus Vaccine in Taiwan - July/August 2021

Guess who is getting his shot? This guy! :+1: July 30th, AZ!

Some of you will know I was angry at myself for sleeping on the self-pay. So relieved I’m finally getting the jab. :syringe:


I’ve had two friends, both citizens, remind me to sign up, no need to wait for text notification, but I get this:

Your card number is wrong or not eligible for appointment, please confirm and re-enter.

edit. I tried to register, and i don’t exist there either. wait for the text I guess.

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aprc, or priority group, did you get the text, or what?

if you registered your willingness, chose AZ, and born before 1983/12/31, no need to wait for the text.


I am not priority group. Just registered with my ARC and was notified.

Then the system is still junk, because nothing doing.

At this point it would be so much less hassle to just catch it an get it over with.

Or you’re doing it wrong? :man_shrugging: Do you have a Taiwanese friend or significant other who can help you register?

being illiterate, and the site painfully monolingual, i cant be sure.

edit: all of our native speaker acquaintances are, well, natives. While I personally err on the side of assuming basic competence in strangers, you’re asking if a citizen can help some rando foreigner figure out some bizarre hoops, which they had no hand in designing.

whats the issue, really simple system. Just need your ID number and NHI Card number and you are good

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This is what happened to me. My wife couldn’t register either. I’ll try again little later or tomorrow as registration is still open for few days.

I’ll send pics,

painful question, if my ARC has changed, do I need to get a new NHI card and number? Because that, I have come to expect, should explain it.

When did you get your text? Do they all come out at the same time?

I registered for self-pay in April and still haven’t had my vaccination :frowning:

I also heard teachers will get vaccinated soon, but still no information on that but my friend working for the same company in Taichung got vaccinated yesterday. Sigh

At 10am.

Not sure what I can say except good luck. Was your self-pay cancelled? They will keep these open enrollment registration periods rolling. This is the second one. I was bummed when I didn’t get a text for the first one. Perhaps you’ll get notified for the third one, which I’m sure will be in the next couple weeks.

Just register on the website now

I was offered to get vaccinated but I declined, wishing to wait out for Taiwanese vaccine. But realistically it’ll be a while so I’ll hope for my second shot. I was told by my co teacher that there will be another registration for teachers in August, which I will opt for if I can’t register for current open registration.
(But this is for public schools I believe. I’m not sure for other private teachers.)

Use Google translate to translate the whole page on your Android phone. It’s actually no a lot to fill out when registering. Name, ID#, NHI#, Phone#, vaccine preference … Making appointment it’s almost the same, except that you also need to choose location, date and time slot.

did that, not first rodeo. pics coming next post.

edit: it did not ask for name or vaccine preference.

No offense, but why?

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reg error
This is the error I get when trying to register
1922 error
This is the error I get when trying to make an appointment.

if my ARC has changed, do I need to get a new NHI card and number?

Did you update your ARC number? That’s all I can think of.