Coronavirus Vaccine in Taiwan - May/June 2021

A bit OT, but is it really? Damn, why are my teaching wages like what you’d expect from the 50th richest…? :unamused:


He is clearly doing it to embarrass Tsai and help his own political career. Everyone can see that. The Taiwan public see that. But as the Apple Daily poll shows, people dont give a fuck. They want the vaccines and dont care about Tsai’s political manoeuvrings


Let’s see, a Japan Airlines flight showed up on Friday (two days ago) with 1.2 million vaccines and a pile of good will from Japan.

This morning (i.e. today), a US aircraft arrived with three senators pledging 750,000 vaccines and good will from the US.

Yes there have been “political manoeuvrings”—to actually get some things done and to actually get some vaccines.

You guys want more, and that’s great. But there’s no way I would say the current administration is just sitting on their &sses. You may not have noticed, but things are actually happening.



It’s a mix. Hsieh did a good job.

But we can’t ignore how the DPP has seriously f**ked up, and continue to defend them. The US is here not because of Tsai alone.


I agree, but in every administration there’s competents and incompetents. Clearly the incompetents like Fan Yun initially won out and led us down this path. But others have really shined, like Hsieh and also Audrey Tang who brilliantly streamlined the registration process that looked like it’d be such a mess at the beginning of this outbreak.


Those are CHARITIES. A government should never rely on charity to protect their citizens. They should have been prepared. It’s not like we can’t afford it in the first place.


I think everyone agrees with that Taiwan should have been more prepared. I don’t think the issue is so much they can’t afford it, but the difficult political climate means we have to appeal for relief directly to friendly governments instead of going through the vaccine distributors that are more likely to be bribed off by China.


It’s not “bribed” off. Fosun invested in BNT so way early (probably even before Pfizer got in the game). Fosun then acquires greater China rights. But Tsai doesn’t like or respect greater China. That’s where all the problems began.

There are also other vaccines ಥ_ಥ

The fact that we only have AZ for now is just… pure idiocy. I gotta say, I’ve never thought that people could stoop so low before this outbreak. I think most Taiwanese are also surprised that human lives worth less than stock market. People are joking online saying that Tsai is creating a nationwide transmutation circle… trading human lives for stock market gains. Those 高端 vaccines would be the product of tears and blood. They should name it the philosopher’s stone.


People are counting on Guo to be a reliable figure because they’re fed up with Chen, Tsai, etc and the laundry list goes on. They’re fed up with 3+11 and the arrogant attitude they have, thinking they are superior because they are in this seat.

Guo can have all his desires. The people want someone who can delivery, not just talk BS their way through.


Oh no! BNT can’t be approved! We don’t know how safe it is! We need it to go through rigorous testing and it needs to be cheap! Like 1/10000 the current price!

No wonder so many drug manufacturers are packing their bags…

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Don’t get me started on that 健保 thing… you’re making me cry (;´༎ຶД༎ຶ`)

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…greater China?

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Greater China = Mainland China, Hong Kong, Macau, and Taiwan

A bad economy kills people too. Both directly, because suicides, etc., but also by there being less money to invest in healthcare.

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In hindsight, I think your one China-mainland agenda was not really obscure/obscured, but I like things clear. Got it!


The more reason to get the vaccines ASAP. ¯_(ツ)_/¯ What DPP’s doing so far isn’t even good advertisement for themselves. I don’t mind conspiracy but at least be smart.

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That’s a stupid and confusing name. Why not just say Mandarin speaking countries or something like that. Nobody’s calling English speaking countries “the greater UK”. Is it just translated from 大中華地區?


That’s what I’m saying. We need a different name for 大中華地區. Especially taking our relationship with China into consideration.