Coronavirus Vaccine in Taiwan - May/June 2021

Wait at least until tomorrow (June 23), the date that was announced.

December 31th? Thirty one-th?

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Aren’t there people who contacted to district office and got vaccines?


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Meh. It’s a pretty mild ‘Engrish’ error as far as they go.


Everyone’s got their own views on their priority! How are these guys getting the vaccines released to them?

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“We need to specially train our staff to understand how foreigners can exist in Taiwan” - after all if you’re a foreigner why are you in Taiwan? Now if you sit in the same row as our nationals, they’ll get confused :exploding_head: hence special times. All for your own safety.

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Wow. The IT ministry has an amazing system setup for vaccination tracking in Taiwan. Not a single country in the world can beat this system!

Yeah, I remember those people in some thread around here. But when vaccines start to open up more, they’re going to have to rely more on the online reservation system because it’s going to get competitive. If foreigners are locked out of that system and have to call some office to register, they’re going to be at the back of every line.

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This is what I see in the crappy NHI app

Getting the same now that I finally got to log in. The link likely won’t become active until the 23rd, so give it another 30 mins or wait until tomorrow morning.

It is true. If an old guy turns around and sees a foreigner, he will feel confused. He won’t know if he is in the line for McDonald’s or a club.

Also, if his grandson is with him, he will have to deal with the little boy pointing at the foreigner and saying foreigner, foreigner again and again. Think of the old guy, this will give him a lot of trouble.


I was told by the manager of my school that teachers (including lowly cram school teachers like myself) would become eligible for the vaccine starting in July, according to an announcement today by Chen shih-chung.

Can anyone confirm this? I’ve not seen anything about this on Focus Taiwan or Taiwan News, or when I’ve scrolled through this thread. Also, do we need to download the app and register now for a vaccination?

I don’t know about when specifically (July sounds too early to me), but teachers are included in one of the latter levels of the priorities list (like 7 or 8). Teachers up to high-school level are included; you’re lucky, as a uni teacher I’m not eligible (which is total BS).

Oh. And I’m also not sure if buxiban teachers are included or not. I interpreted it as elementary and secondary school teachers. But I don’t know.

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still getting this screen as of 12:05

I’d heard before that public school teachers are included in category 7 but I didn’t think that included cram schools. Was it mentioned in an announcement today? I’ve seen articles today saying over 64s, foreigners over 75, transport workers, kindergarten teachers and various others will be included but nothing about cram schools.

And yeah I agree it does seem unfair and illogical not to include university teachers


Sorry, I don’t know.

Follow William Yang on Twitter. He does moment-by-moment translations of the CECC pressers. I get about 80% of my info from his feed. I’d ask your director if he can forward you a news article about the July deadline or the priority list including cram school teachers.

My university sent an email yesterday asking which teachers wanted to be included in the vaccine program in July, so something’s going on at the university level.

They said I couldn’t make use of that program because I’ve already had one dose, fair enough, but I’m increasingly worried about falling through bureaucratic cracks.

The email emphasized applicants would have no choice about vaccine.