Coronavirus Vaccine in Taiwan - May/June 2021

I’m flattered that you ask, but I’m afraid I don’t know enough about the topic for my opinion to mean much.

I enjoyed and broadly agreed with the posts (here and here, for example) by @OrangeOrganics and @Baobab in the other threads, though.


Apparently more information about how vaccines will be distributed coming in the next few days.


Nobody liked this post but I’m down with it. Quit the fucking moaning everybody. Another couple of weeks and we’ll have another bunch of people moaning about having to get vaccinated.

If only moaning killed the virus we’d be a potent force.

LOL you think there’s going to be vaccine for most Forumosans in a couple of weeks? :rofl:

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until a week ago nearly nobody went to get a vaccine and the ones already in store were close to be expire. Now everyone goes nuts and say that the government who kept COVID-19 out for about 1 1/2 year as a neighboring country to the place where it originally started, can’t take care of their own people?
WTF is wrong with people?!


My wife (a DPP supporter, but quickly becoming a disillusioned one) says the New Taipei City Mayor (a KMT guy) is right to say DPP is playing favorites by unfairly distributing vaccines to DPP led cities. For example, we in Kaohsiung are getting a ton even though the past couple days we’ve only had a couple cases. Good for us, I guess, but if I lived in NTC which is getting legitimately slammed by COVID I’d be pretty pissed too.


More than a little melodramatic!

If Japan sends us 40 million, it could just happen.


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Well, I hope JP does that but it’s going to take more than a couple weeks to get AZ’s approval, send the vaccines, get them through the approval/QC process, and deal with the logistics of vaccinating much larger numbers of people rapidly.

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I would be elated even if we can get four million soon TBH. Given the current vaccine infrastructure, Taiwan will take a couple of months to burn through that!

Nope. But I bet it might add brownie points to your resume. One less thing to worry about.

You guys have measles and mumps vaccines already, I presume?

Kaohsiung has a larger contingent of medical personnel than Northern Taiwan and they happened to be mostly unvaccinated. Hence, they are getting about 20 thousand doses, if I recall correctly.

Taipei City is getting thousands more doses for cops.

Vaccines are being assigned as needed.

NTC is not getting slammed. The mayor was a lot calmer today too. They are doing more testing and getting less cases, so they must be doing something right.

Now, if we can get markets under control…


They could train a few people at every supermarket, department store and stadium in Taiwan and get it done very quickly I think.

Is there any evidence of this actually happening? I read that Greater Taipei receives an above average allocation of vaccines because they have the most cases.

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It’s all about perception.

We’re in this together, folks. Let’s get this done!


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Ko was mentioning the use of stadiums and those neighborhood exercise facilities as potential locations for mass vaccination. Seems to me we have a few of those from the Universiade.

More for your perusal. The elderly here are living in a different reality, seriously…


Fake news. It’s because Khaoshiung was WAY behind in vaccinations. Almost none of their medical personnel were vaccinated. Now they’re catching up.


In Dec 2020, they were giving out 400,000 flu vaccines per day. It can absolutely be done.

The real question is whether China is going to interfere and try to block Japan donating to us.

Seems like they’re trying to do just that.