Cost of English Kindergarten (Taipei)

So those are kind of parent things to teach, no?

Any preschool (kindergarten) that knows anything about child development is going to place a strong emphasis on giving children lots of space to learn those skills in the classroom and practice them daily. Because that’s what a 2-6 year old child should be doing, developmentally speaking.

While there is the rare exception to the rule, very few children are prepared to do the academic nonsense emphasized in preschool nowadays and even fewer can or should be memorizing dance routines to perform for crowds of parents.

The age of 0-6 is the most transformative time in a human’s life. You go from having zero ability to do anything yourself and reliant on others for everything to being able to use a toilet, speaking at least one language, running, opening things, and being more or less independent. No other time in human life does someone go through such transformation.

“Glorified babysitting” or a strong emphasis on academics and performance are both setting the child up for failure because they are contrary to what a child needs at that age.

New Taipei City?

Hey, I’m down with kids having space to explore and learn - my child is at a Waldorf school!

But expecting the school to teach your kid things like brushing their teeth and zipping their coat? C’mon now. (and kids can easily learn song and dance routines at an early age - they’re sponges for everything - the only issue with it is if they have an interest, vs being forced into it).

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NTC is New Taipei City