COVID-19, Vitamin D, and Taiwan

They need less sun to achieve the same vitamin D levels, but 45° angle holds up from them too. And the amounts the body can take up/produce per day are similar too. the only difference is that they take 20 minutes full body in good sun vs say 3 hours for a coloured person.
This is - as we moved North from Africa - it was a genetic advantage to be white skinned/haired as you had higher vitamin D uptake with limited sun- less illness - hence proliferation advantage. On the opposite coloured people have advantage in Africa as white people would likely die of skin cancer and similar (before sunscreen was invented).
Therefore your statement is plain wrong - it is always based on latitude and time in sunshine with many body parts exposed. Blondes in Scandinavia have no better vitamin D levels than blacks in Africa.

As for supplements - there seems to be variance too - but no clear factors except the more fat percentage your body has - the less vitamin D uptake.

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