COVID Humbug! (2023 edition)

Don’t know the guy, but he does seem to have been pretty consistent with the anti-lockdown stuff since 2020:

March 2020: With the economy collapsing, can Britain actually afford to do whatever it takes to defeat this virus?

I have got myself into trouble on social media for making a variation of the following point, so I must choose my words carefully. We are already at a point where the immediate and no doubt lasting economic costs of Covid-19 are out of all proportion to the distress of the disease itself.

April 2020: For and against: should we lift the lockdown to save the economy?

October 2020: Where’s the lockdown exit strategy? Er… there isn’t one

So are we forever to remain incarcerated in a cycle of one lockdown after another? That’s plainly no kind of a sustainable solution. To the extent that the Government has a strategy, it seems to be this; keep on hugging public opinion, which still largely backs the lockdown approach, until it changes. Rising unemployment and a miserable Christmas will bring people to their senses soon enough.

Eventually, the world will have to get used to the presence of Covid. Complete eradication looks unlikely any time soon. So people will just have to learn to adapt their lives around it accordingly.

One thing is for sure; to carry on like this, with one wave of restriction after another, is just slow death by a thousand cuts.

November 2020: On all fronts, Covid is making a fool of our Western democracies

This will take decades to work off, and threatens to eat deep into government expenditure on other things in the event of any appreciable rise in interest rates.

Rewind 40 years to when the extraordinary economic windfall of then bountiful supplies of North Sea oil fell into Britain’s lap. For several decades, this helped plug the hole in the current account and budget deficit, but was otherwise just frittered away, leaving no lasting benefit to speak of.

Well, Covid is the reverse of this good fortune squandered story. The wounds the pandemic is inflicting on the public finances will take decades to heal. There was no lasting beneficial effect from North Sea oil for the public finances; unfortunately, Covid promises lasting negative ones.

December 2020: We must never repeat the staggering global $6 trillion cost of lockdown

No Western country has emerged well from the Covid crisis, but the UK’s record has been particularly poor, shamefully so in some respects; Britain’s fatality rate is among the highest in the OECD, its recession one of the deepest, and its forecast recovery one of the slowest.

To be fair, the UK has done better than many others in protecting employment, it has been swift to approve new treatments and vaccines, and in a rare sign of forward thinking, it has secured what appear to be adequate supplies of the most promising vaccines. There is still therefore some chance of redemption.

But otherwise it’s been just one costly wrong turn after another, starting with the most basic of the lot – failure to articulate a coherent, evidence-based approach to crisis management.

April 2021: Whatever experts say, we simply cannot afford any more lockdowns


I guess the positive is that these types of articles are being published at all. It may make the masses think twice before allowing their own governments to impose tyranny next time around, although I’m always reminded of Moran’s art when I think of that:


There was a vehement cry of, “The only way out of this government/ Big Pharma tyranny is to comply our way out! Shut your mouth! Stay inside! Wear your damn masks! Get your 3+ shots!”, during the past three years.

Those voices have unsurprisingly quietened, as every irrational argument they put forward for compliance falls apart before their very eyes, week in and week out, and the evidence for them being absolutely on the wrong side of science and history piles up higher than a mountain of discarded masks.

There’s always a section of society that revels in imposing unecessary control, suffering and hardship over others. They can be identified by their silence in (not) acknowledging their participation in abusive societal practices over the past three years, and their opposing common sense and science at every turn. Such people are to be avoided, as dangerous threats to actual democracy and freedom, although they will indeed say, “We MUST curb your freedoms…to become once again, FREE!” At the slightest opportunity they’ll engage to keep down their fellow man “in the interests of public health,” using the flimsiest of pretexts: “We must simply follow the govt!”

The number of participants whom have admitted they got it wrong can be counted on less than one hand. One would hope they are ashamed of what they did, but I really doubt it.


Crikey. Should have followed that one up a bit more carefully. The one and only journalist in the UK who actually spoke up at the time? Surprised he still has a job.

Was just speaking to someone here in the UK (a hotel owner) who lost hundreds of thousands “during COVID” and is busy putting his life back together. He was one of the lucky ones who didn’t end up selling his business at fire-sale prices to the bank, or to some shady investor who mysteriously has a big barrel of ready cash.


Now Prof. Norman Fenton falls victim to the YouTube censors for posting his testimony to the Corona Investigative committee, Germany.
Unbelievable in any free society or democracy.

Video here:


Latest from Dr. Cambell on the Covid summit.

He cuts it off just as the democratically-elected Croation member of the EU parliament goes in quite hard on the WHO :laughing:

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Blackly funny. Brilliant video compilation tells the story of the “pandemic” in 10 minutes.

Lest we forget all the bullshit :laughing:


Sums it up. The "experts ".

Quite weird to see all that again. How bizarre it all looks in retrospect!

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It’s incredible.

Also, calling it all out as anti-science madness/ complete bullshit/ global scam was considered heretical at the time, and this esteemed forum unfortunately wasn’t immune from the widespread idiocy depicted in the vid.


Yup. A common theme these days is “omg, the pandemic is over now, can’t you just let it go already?”. I think it’s very important to preserve these things to ensure people do not forget - and that the people who made it happen are not allowed to forget. If we “let it go”, that opens up a space for the next instance of mass hysteria.


Well, well, well…

"Pandemic lockdowns likely caused “more harm than benefit” with “substantial and wide-ranging collateral damage” that will be felt for years to come, including millions of non-Covid excess deaths, a rise in child abuse and domestic violence, and trillions of dollars in economic losses, according to new research.

Dr Kevin Bardosh, an applied medical anthropologist from the University of Washington, conducted a “comprehensive” review of more than 600 research publications to evaluate the “global state of knowledge” on the adverse social impacts caused by lockdowns and other non-pharmaceutical interventions (NPIs)."

Peter Collignon, Infectious Diseases Physician and Microbiologist. Professor of Medical School at Australian National University:

"It looks like many original predictions of adverse effects are broadly supported by research data. These include: a rise in non-Covid excess mortality, mental health deterioration, child abuse and domestic violence, widening global inequality, food insecurity, lost educational opportunities, unhealthy lifestyle behaviours, social polarization, soaring debt, democratic backsliding and declining human rights.

And still folks won’t admit they were wrong to defend these interventions, nor that they were wrong to have harassed, abused and tried to silence those that called it out for what it was at the time - anti-science tyranny.

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My goodness, whoever could have guessed?

I’m really struggling to come to terms with the fact that many governments decided to deliberately kill people; at best, these scumbags are guilty of gross negligent manslaughter on a grand scale (which must surely amount to something other than negligent manslaughter), and nobody cares. The UK government almost certainly took ‘the pandemic’ as a cover to euthanize some undesirables. It’s not quite the same as throwing dissidents out of helicopters, but the bodies are landing in roughly the same place.

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Dr. Campbell keeps showing every week, that there are continuing significant increases in excess mortality all over the world (whatever could it be? :thinking:), and decries the distinct lack of interest from anyone in any government :man_shrugging:

What bothers me at this point is that “they” clearly know what the effects were, and they probably knew all along how things were going to pan out. Well-intentioned governments would answer questions on the subject, to the best of their ability, and try to clear the air. The fact that they continue to lie, gaslight people, and accuse questioners (like Chris Chope and Andrew Bridgen in the UK) of being conspiracy theorists, suggests that it was all entirely deliberate. Which implies that there was an underlying purpose to it, and while earnest folk are still giving them the benefit of the doubt and trying to ‘make them see’ that something ‘went badly wrong’, they’re quietly moving on with whatever skulduggery they’ve got lined up next.

I just don’t know how to deal with the fact that things have got this bad.

I always wonder, on what basis? When the clear Himalayan-sized historical mountain of evidence is that governments are stacked with corporate shills, chock full of hopelessly incompetent, corrupted politicans and/ or complete asshats? People who believe that governments are there sincerely “serving the interests of the people” out of the kindness of their hearts, are either ill-informed, or just plain stupid. Govts are primarily engaged in transferring public money into private hands - their own and their mates’, that’s all. Their motivation is selfish. Their schtick is to wrap up their grifting with the right words and phrases, like “democracy, hope, family, American (or any other nation) values, etc.” They are all bullshit-artists. That’s essentially what they’ve always done. None of them give two shits about what the common man, woman or child is suffering at the rough end of their policies. I’ve personally known a couple of politicians in different countries. They’re odious as a group, always beholden to the far more powerful money men, and are quite piss-weak cowardly characters themselves. They whore themselves out to the highest bidders at every opportunity. Case in point is Dan Andrews recent secret trip to China. No one knows what he was doing over there and he didn’t allow press. He also happened to be one of the most tyrannical western leaders in the world, past 3 years. And yet the people vote him back in because they believe he “is just doing his best.” :laughing: While the masses spend their days and nights arguing over this candidate or that one, they never seem to realize their getting reamed from behind no matter who is in charge. The pole may be greased with clarified butter, pig fat, melted chocolate, or nothing at all, the end result is approximately the same - a solid reaming. All parties, on all sides of the spectrum, sold out their countries during the last three years. It makes very little practical difference who is the current face of “the govt.”

Fortunately, there are a (very) few pollies left in western democracies that are trying to hold their govt to account for what they’ve done, with slim chance of success, suffering constant abuse still, but good for them nonetheless. Those guys, and people like Dr. Campbell, et al are admirable souls.

Of course there was. It is the same purpose as before the pandemic - use every available opportunity to concentrate as much power and money in the hands of a very few, at the expense of the masses, using whatever means necessary (although fear works best).

IMO a fair few of these “earnest folks” are closet tyrannists (dickheads) themselves, and quite look forward to getting a little bit of power from TPTB (if they suck enough cock) so they can then in turn abuse others with it.

It’s just bizarre, isn’t it. A lot of people who would have acknowledged in 2019 that governments and pharma companies are at least somewhat corrupt, self-serving, incompetent and dishonest have suddenly decided that these institutions miraculously became scrupulously honest and selflessly dedicated to The Public Good in 2020.

The only explanation I can think of is that they just can’t bring themselves to look into the abyss. To accept that the global powers-that-be have simultaneously adopted a quasi-fascist model of governance in order to plunder the planet is just a step too far for most. How could this be? Aren’t things like that confined to shithole countries with “People’s Democratic Republic of” in the name? It’s easier to pretend that Western leaders are simply bumbling, well-intentioned clowns who will - surely! - see the error of their ways at some point and make amends. Or, in a disturbing number of cases, to clap and cheer as our new leaders install themselves on their thrones.

Indeed. But they’ve never been quite this overt - at least, not “over here”. That sort of grand larceny only happens in Zimbabwe, or Congo, or Russia. In the West they’ve usually been content to skim something off the top, or launder ill-gotten gains from elsewhere. To turn the entire apparatus of government into a ginormous scam is the historical baseline, but I for one never expected it to happen to Europe or the US. In retrospect, it was heading in that direction for a long time.

And the question remains: what then is to be done? Are we just to sit here while they follow their ideological goals to the inevitable conclusion, looting everything as they go? Do we just have to watch it all burn and then try to build it back up again? Does Civilisation offer us no solutions? It’s the kids I feel sorry for; I suppose I can settle into decrepitude and get by, but they’re going to have to fix this mess.


True, for some.

I rather suspect that a not-insignificant percentage of the population are actually and simply insecure wannabe closet tyrants. Hence, why so many supported the shitshow, and repeatedly voted the very same people in again and again.

Personally, I don’t believe there is any “fixing” of it going to happen. I don’t beleive it can or will be fixed at all. There may be some delay, but I think it will just steadily get increasingly dystopian, until civilization as we know it gets uber-dystopian, or destroys itself, possibly back to a primitive state (best case scenario). There will be no utopia on earth. The place itself is inherently unfit for noble habitation.

It’s like a toilet: one should do one’s business as quickly as one can and get out ASAP, not dawdle on the shitter endlessly smelling the stench of one’s own stool :laughing:

What shocked me is how much influence these people had (and still have). I suppose if you’re unconstrained by any sort of moral considerations, you will do things that other people will not or cannot; and therefore you will win.

I’ve reluctantly come to the same sort of conclusion. All those civilisations that are now buried under the desert sand - is this how it went? Did they see it coming but they were powerless to stop it, because some of their number were just hell-bent on making it happen?

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Indeed they did. Somehow, the current folks think that society at present is the greatest that humanity can or will ever produce, and seek to make it a global, absolute technocratic totalitarian world ASAP, as if that will be the pinnacle of civilisation. They’re all thinking they’ve improved upon what’s gone past. It’s all simply further enslavement.

It’ll all going to go to shit, as these things always do.