😷 COVID - Latest info about covid-related travel regulations/procedures (outbound)

For Scotland all you need is any cert with a qr code. Taiwan works.
Doesn’t tripple vaxxed from Taiwan work for Japan. I’m sure it does. I have three different vaccine cards as I got my crap jabs in different countries. The country doing the last shot gives you the certificate, at vaccination site just show them old vaccine passes or certs and insist on them adding it into their system

Taiwan does so, at least

Well, currently Scotland’s online system does not, for the (multiple) reasons given above .

For example, re “For Scotland all you need is any cert with a qr code.”, that’d be reassuring if it wasn’t inconsistent with what Scotlands website says, but since it is (inconsistent), it isn’t (reassuring)


  • You’ll need to complete one form per vaccination. So if you’ve had 2 doses in an approved country, you’ll need to complete 2 forms with different QR code evidence per form.*

I’ve raised a “case” which is supposed to be dealt with by humans, so there is at least a possibility that this will eventually work.

I havn’t tried it from the Taiwan end for the obvious reasons, plus I think I’ve seen a statement on there that they cant handle foreign certs, though that might be outr of date. Might try it later.

Any EU country Taiwan’s certificate is fine on arrival. Mostly they even stopped checking, and if any cert saying 3 vaccinations and a qr code is fine

Japan is not in the EU.

Neither is Scotland (it would like to be, but currently suffers from UK Brexit Bollocks).

I don’t have a three-jab cert. I have a 2-jab cert from Taiwan, which isn’t acceptable to the Scottish system, and a 1-jab cert from Scotland. Trying to intergrate them into a three-jab cert from Scotland, so far without success.

Like, AS ABOVE, already

Just printing out the indiv certs and waving them around at the airport might work.

Or it might not. Turkish Airlines seem to have an online rep for being a bit picky, even obstructive.

Ah well that’s different. The usual way to add Vaccines onto a certificate is when you get your shot you show them the old papers and they directly put it into their system.
If you live in an EU country, and only then, they will also create a passport for you based on old vaccines without you getting another shot (but I traveled everywhere on my Taiwan certificate - even though my second shot was in Cyprus, but yeah Taiwan cert says three shots)

Eventually Vaccination Status Helpline did it manually as a "Cross Border Issue " after I raised the case. Scottish cert only shows the last 2 jags. Japanese require 3. Scottish Cert does list them as 2/3 and 3/3 (How hard would it be just to list them all, FFS? Maybe quite hard in the “endless booster” scenario beloved of Big Pharma) which MAY be good enough for the Japanese (and their Turkish Airline gatekeepers).

Vaccination centre dont have anything to do with paperwork. You need to be registered with a Scottish GP to have access to your local vaccination records.

OTOH GF hasn’t been able to get documentation of her 23/12/2022 Scottish jab out of the system, despite having registered with a GP, and its proving impossible to get a PCR test. They’ve stopped doing it at the airport, and the other clinics I could find seem to have stopped as well, presumably because few countries require it, so offering it no longer makes commercial sense.

Looking like we wont be able to take our flight.

It almost certainly will. I think airlines are well aware that the mark of the beast simply doesn’t work as intended, and I’ve noticed most people just turn up waving bits of paper around. As far as I can tell they’re given the benefit of the doubt. Surely your GF has some sort of record of the vaccination having happened? She can’t possibly have been jabbed without any record of it having been made anywhere.

Has she tried registering with the NHS online thingy? It’s fairly straightforward if you know your NHS number (and if you don’t, call your GP). You can then download a certificate within the app.

She has whats referred to verbally (and oddly) as a Chi (sp?) number, but the Cross-Border Team seem to think this may be wrong. I suspect it might be the classic first name last name Chinese reversal thing.

She has no documentation at all of her Scottish jab, so just has the two Taiwan jabs documented, which, according to Japan, isn’t enough.

Looking like calling the PCR test centres (as opposed to going through the online booking systems, which are apparently universally broken) may actually get us a test, though, since we both have persistent symptoms consistent with COVID following our third jabs, this might not get us a flight.

Probably quite difficult to get diagnosed with COVID in The Yook now, since they want it to be over.

I went to a GP with symptoms which I didnt then think were Covid, but now think might be, and was told it was “a virus”. Can’t argue with that.

You got covid right after being jabbed?

Or you are saying the vaccine side effects are consistent with Covid?

Use the NHS app. If she has an NHS number, there must be a record of her vax in there that you can download. It’s almost impossible that it’s not there; if it literally hasn’t been recorded, I suggest a formal complaint is in order.

I got something involving a persistent dry cough, mild fever, bodily aches, loss of sense of taste, and gummy eyes, following the jab, but IIRC I had a bit of a cold before it. GF didnt, but also developed the above symptoms, which we both still have a fortnight later, with some ups and downs but no systematic abatement. Seemed possible this was a mildish form of Covid, but GF’s PCR is negative, so it almost certainly isn’t. I could in theory have it when she hasn’t, but its very unlikely, and not particularly in my interest to find out if I did.

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Much Argy Barry with Turkish Airlines (who didn’t “recognize” ? GFs PCR test ) and held us at boarding until rest of queue was embarked. Might not have got on then but girl made mistake of referring to her as “Chinese” then saying “same thing” when corrected, which pissed GF off mightily and drew some support from the queue. Was kind of hoping she would refer to me as “English’ so I could do a Mel Gibson reprise, but maybe that would have got less support.

There’s an online “visit Japan” approval app which most people (not me, didn’t understand it).were trying to use, but they weren’t accepting that either, so the rest of the queue were pre-pissed off, though not as much as we were. Rumour, supported by claim forms lying around, suggests TA overbook to ensure full planes and so quite like exploiting this jive to bump people off flight without compensation. No problem at Japan end, from the actual Japanese.

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