We’re traveling and trying to figure out what the rules are on the 4 of 3+4. Can you go to work? Can kids go to school? I can’t find a definition of what’s allowed in self-health management.
You can go to a supermarket if you wear a mask.
and leave your cellphone at home.
I think if I remembe correctly…just stay out of places that have a lot of folks & can’t social distance: hospitals, public transportation, busy supermarkets and etc. I believe all tracked by cellphone. Wear mask at all time when out and “a-boot.”
I was assuming this was the case, but do you have a source? Are rules national now or is it city-by-city?
Are you asking about the mandatory quarantine when you arrive for your kids? I believe kids also have to abide by the quarantine rule 3+4. National law I believe. I don’t se them allow the kids to go to school and spread possible covid.
Those were the old rules for self health management. 3+4 self health management is much stricter. I believe you can go to work, but other than that it’s just essential places only, like supermarkets.
Hmmm… to me seems like this should be spelled out somewhere instead of a lot of conjecture. This is the closest description I could find in Chinese:
It seems like you can have a “normal life” but avoid situations where you’d have to remove your mask or eat food, etc. Doesn’t say anything about work, study, etc., etc.
Some more background on this… I did ask when I came in and they said to call the hotline and ask, so that’s what I’ll do, but it sure would be nice if more of this was spelled out.
At this point, I’d be surprised if the “coming from abroad” infection rate is higher than the “sick here” infection rate, but I could be wrong.
I tried to find accurate info when I was doing self assessment a few months back but my dedicated health government agent just told me to avoid public area without getting into too much details. I think she was annoyed by me.
2.需有 2 日內家用抗原快篩陰性檢驗結果,才可外出工作及採買生活必需品。
5.上班期間全程佩戴口罩,維持社交距離,有飲食需求時可暫免佩戴口罩,並於用畢立即佩戴口罩 。
Source: 即日起調增入境總人數為每週4萬人次,另自7月14日起,國人、持有效居留證及來臺轉機者,搭機前得免持2日內PCR報告 - 衛生福利部疾病管制署
Maybe some help here I think the latest.
Necessities and also says can go to work day 4.
“2. A negative result from an at-home rapid test taken within two days should be presented if an arrival needs to go out to work or buy daily necessities.”
My recent experience
Damn… I was excited thinking that this might’ve been a new Tango42 topic that needed saving.
Oh well. I’ll give it a 10-like badge instead.
Rules are national but managed slightly differently depending on city, place of appointment, university, Etc
Can we go to apply for ARCs? On facebook someone said they did but then someone else said they shouldn’t have.
Since the NIA is not a place of work, I would say “no.” Wait until after the 3+4 if possible, or just phone them,
Become a diplomat and you can do whatever you want during the 3+4 quarantine.
You mean “do your job”?