Created a website for buy/sell - feel free to post items


I have been addicted to looking at facebook groups that are related to buying/selling, as well as these threads in forumosa, but recently I realized that there is no good way to filter / search for things on facebook or forums, or post items with individual descriptions and have them display properly with other items that others would like to trade, so I created something an application for this with Ragic:

You’re welcome to check it out & post items (it’s free - just remember to use open id log in). Would appreciate the feedback as well.

I know there are many locals group to sell/buy stuff in Fb.

The website is not very convenient to use, no offense.

None taken. I do know that fb has many groups, but that is not really convenient for filtering and finding stuff either.

There’s no Craigslist-like website in Taiwan?

There’s Kijiji and PTT forums and tonnes of site specific stuff, depends what you want to sell? My wife wanted to sell off some baby stuff, worked well though a popular mother and baby forum.
Yahoo/PC Home auction is also really popular here.