Credit Card Best Practises

CRedit cards are a curse. Iv paid off two and one more to go . NEVER run up credit cards. In the USA banks only give you one percent per annum interest when you put money in the bank but the interest charged for credit card debt is around 18pct per annum !!! This is usury and should be illegal.

Only have one Visa and one Mastercard and you are good for the world and Pay it off Every month !!! Dont be suckered into spending because they gave you a huge limit and an introductory rate. They will EAT YOU ALIVE !!!

Or do what the rich do in America , use AMEX. Amex doesnt allow you to owe them money (except their blue card, which is hard to get ) so you cant run up a debt. And their travel offices worldwide are very helpful when you travel around the world. You still need either a Visa or a Mastercard though because ironically in the USA many many merchants do not allow the use of AMEX cards.

AMEX makes money by having their own offices worldwide and charging users an annual fee and also on exchange rates when you travel and convert funds and also charging the merchants a much higher fee. Therefore many merchants refuse to allow the use of AMEX or charge you extra for your goods.

Visa and Mastercard are issued by many banks , are worldwide and charge merchants much less. They allow you to owe them money and this is where the LIONS SHARE of their profit comes from. Even though they have a lot of non performing card holders.

Credit card debt is a CURSE . … avoid at all costs.

Thanks, Tommy, but the thread is about how to get one. I’m splitting this off so you can discuss the merits of having one, seperately from the current discussion. Have fun.