Culprit Responsible for Exctinction of Dinosaurs is...MAN?

I ran across this on a blog (a photo of a cowboy-type dude holding a shot-gun among dinosaur statues with the heading “Meteor or Man: What Killed the Dinosaurs?” and then the caption “Our photographic evidence will convince you that man killed the dinosaurs!”

There’s no real link for the website though, so I suspected a mock-up. I did a little Google-research and came up with the following…

Dinosaur Extinction - Compelling New Theory

[quote]Dinosaur Extinction: The Theory
Dinosaur Extinction is a recent phenomenon. Many of the great sea and land monsters went extinct in a global flood about 4400 years ago. Some of these creatures survived and inhabited earth with man, until they too went extinct as man killed them for sport, safety, and expansion (like black bears in Florida and bison in the Western U.S.). We know this theory is revolutionary to many! However, we must admit – it’s not original. In fact, it’s really not a theory at all. It’s based on the established truth of the Biblical record – a record that’s not dependant on mankind’s ever-changing view of science and reason. We absolutely encourage you to carefully examine the evidence for yourself!

Dinosaur Extinction: The Evidence

Human & Dinosaur Fossils. Human bones and tools coexist in the same fossil layers as dinosaur bones in Texas and the Dakotas.

Human & Dinosaur Footprints. Footprints of dinosaurs, humans and other mammals coexist in the same fossil layers in Texas and New Mexico.

Native American Petroglyphs. Cave and cliff drawings in Utah and Colorado crudely depict certain dinosaur species (dated from 400 A.D. to 1300 A.D.).

Ica Stones. Ceremonial burial stones discovered in Ica, Peru depict numerous species of dinosaurs, some in activities with man (dated from 500 A.D. to 1500 A.D.).

Acambaro Figurines. Ceramic and stone figurines discovered in Acambaro, Mexico represent many species of dinosaurs (dated from 800 B.C. to 200 A.D.).

Dragon Accounts. China, Europe and the Middle East share similar accounts of “dragons” and other beasts. Some cultures revered these creatures. For instance, records of Marco Polo in China show that the royal house kept dragons for ceremonies. In other cultures, it was a great honor to kill these beasts. There are numerous records of warriors killing great beasts in order to establish credibility in a village.

Behemoth, Leviathan and the Dragons of the Bible. Job writes of great creatures, Behemoth and Leviathan, nearly 4000 years ago. Although more recent Bible translations use elephant, hippo or crocodile instead, the original Hebrew does not allow for these interpretations. The word “dragon” (Hebrew: tannin) is used numerous times in the Old Testament, and most directly translates as “sea or land monsters.”

Gilgamesh, Fafnir, Beowulf and other Legends. Many famous legends, including the mythology of Egypt, Greece and Rome, include specific descriptions of dragons and other dinosaur-like creatures.

Dragons in Ancient Art. Dinosaur-like creatures are featured on Babylonian landmarks, Roman mosaics, Egyptian burial shrouds, and many other pieces of art throughout the ancient world.

Current Legends & Discoveries. There is a huge and credible legacy of sea, lake and swamp “monsters,” even to this day.[/quote]

Err… I’m not sure what to say. On the one hand, I shouldn’t dismiss a theory outright with no examination, no matter how outrageous it seems. On the other hand, the site gives not a single reference for its “evidence”, and anyway, well… COME ON!!! You’re just making Christians look DUMB!

Here’s another I found along these lines:

You don’t “fit” dinosaurs with the Bible!

[quote]When one accepts the history timeline as outlined in Scripture, it is easy to explain dinosaurs. When one understands that land animals (including dinosaurs) were made on the sixth day of creation—that there was no death (of animals or man) or disease (there are dinosaur bones that show evidence of diseases like cancer) before sin—that all the land animal kinds (including dinosaurs) were on the Ark—and that many animal groups (including dinosaurs) have died out since the Flood (because sin, the curse, and the Flood affected the world)—then it’s easy to explain the history of dinosaurs.

Also, there is a lot of evidence (such as carvings and paintings of dinosaur-like creatures)—and (unfossilized) dinosaur bone with red blood cells—that makes sense in the light of the biblical account of history. Did you know that a dinosaur may be described in detail in the Bible? Check out Job 40:15–19. And if the notes in your Bible state that this animal was an elephant or hippo, read the passage again to see that this can’t be so.

Did you know the word “dinosaur” was first invented in 1841? Dinosaurs were probably called “dragons” before that time. And the Hebrew word for “dragon” is used a number of times in the Old Testament. There are also dragon legends prevalent in cultures around the world. It’s possible these are accounts of encounters with beasts we today call dinosaurs.[/quote]

So if we were to die-out today, some future culture may come across our Hollywood movies and indeed interpret the world to be full of beautiful women, highly skilled marksmen and that good always prevailed.

What, it wasn’t Noah’s flood that killed them…?

I notice that much of their “evidence” consists of contentious appeals to mythology and prehistoric art (the same line of reasoning that gives us ancient astronauts). As for human and dinosaur remains being found “side by side”, I’ve heard this claim made by young-earth Creationists and vaguely recall that it is not accepted by mainstream paleontology.

It’s nothing more than oft-repeated yet long-debunked Creationist BS. You may feel free to dismiss it outright.

Next up on their agenda is teaching this bizarre theory of dinosaur extinction in the schools. It’s a theory, so these crackpots think it should be up there with the theory of evolution.

By the way, I think their explanation for the extinction is that a massive worldwide flood killed them all, not that people caused the dinosaurs to die out. According to these guys, I suppose that all that water killed the aquatic dinosaurs, too?

No, no, no.

Loch Ness Monster.

Marine dinosaurs are just good at hiding, photo ops.

Flying Spaghetti Monster noodle-prints have been found side by side with human footprints near Waco too. (Even flying deities have to settle down to rest now and then.) What does this prove?

Jeez, I was really born too late …

Me and my dad once shot a nine-foot velociraptor up in the Black Isle area of Morayshire in northeast Scotland. That would have been in the late 70s I think. We buried it in the woods because we knew no-one would believe us. I’ve never told that story until now – you guys are the first to know the truth.

You shouldn’t have buried it … now we don’t believe you … you still can go and dig out the bones, show me the bones …


Velociraptors died out in Scotland hundreds of years ago. There just hasn’t been enough for them to eat since the norther clans got smart enough to stay home after dark. It was probably a mutant newt, they look similar and get enough nourishment from haggises to grow as big as a small man. But they have to run bloody quick to catch the little buggers, so it must have been a lucky shot to nail that one. I bet your mum helped you.

I guess it would have looked like it was nine feet long to a small boy with a penchant for exaggerating, but you’re not going to convince anyone with proper scientific training. I was part of the team that tagged and tracked a diplodocus aross the western highlands a few years ago, so I know what I’m talking about. The reason you don’t see dinosaurs any more is to do with reproduction. Honestly, I’ve seen things that I’m still uncomfortable discussing.

Rocks? Oops sorry. You didn’t see those. :smiling_imp:


Masturbation isn’t reproduction, scientifically speaking. And some of us don’t spend ALL our spare time on it, ergo we’re more likely to spot them.

Shit. So I can stop looking at my duvet waiting for babies to grow?


Shit. So I can stop looking at my duvet waiting for babies to grow?


It’s a quilt, frenchy.

No, keep watching that shit on the duvet, I’m sure something will come of it eventually.


[quote=“Huang Guang Chen”]No, keep watching that shit on the duvet, I’m sure something will come of it eventually.


Actually, I place my teddy bear next to that and when I get visitors just point at him and say “look what my teddy bear did”

Works every time.


Paddington is not amused.

That little Peruvian immigrant shit. No. We are talking Winnie The Pooh. Pooh. Geddit? 'Course you do.


[quote=“Screaming Jesus”]What, it wasn’t Noah’s flood that killed them…?

I notice that much of their “evidence” consists of contentious appeals to mythology and prehistoric art (the same line of reasoning that gives us ancient astronauts). As for human and dinosaur remains being found “side by side”, I’ve heard this claim made by young-earth Creationists and vaguely recall that it is not accepted by mainstream paleontology.[/quote]

There are geological events than can reverse strata order. The worst part is that YEC propogandists are probably aware of this, as they usually demonstrate rudimentary knowledge of geology and other relevant sciences. Ever read Philip Kitcher’s “Abusing Science”? It’s probably a little dated (I read it in the late 1990s, no idea if there is a revised edition), but it accurately reveals the methods Creationists use to twist the facts. The most interesting part of the book isn’t that he just debunks Creationism, which has been done a thousand times, but he shows how the YEC writers probably know they’re lying.

Edit: Or rather, they probably know they are wrong, because they appear to be lying.