Customs warning: ANY meat might cost you 10,000 NTD fine or more

The card I’ve gotten is [quote=“TainanSteve, post:40, topic:180851”]
From what you said it sounds like they screwed up their process.

That assumes all airports are following the same process, probably not a good assumption. It’s probably not even a good assumption that the same airport follows the same process for every flight. That, is frustrating.

Maybe has something to do with it being KHH. I’ve always come in earlier, like 2:30 maybe and have never seen any crowds there at all. This was a later flight, got in at 6:30 pm. In KHH I guess the rate of arrivals is quite variable and that could account for though certainly not excuse them screwing up the process that should have screened me before I just dumped into the xray machine with no clue of what was in store.

The regulations are there from years ago. No agricultural products, but it not always ends in fines. Usually they just destroy your stuff.
In TPE there is a cute beagle help the customs officer tracking passengers stuff.
Lesson learned, grasshopper.

I always bring cookies/stuff that still boxed and preferably written vegan all over it.

They are special for this very problem. They are thick, meant to be used again. If you bypass the screening, handing the card back, it’s your implicit declaration that you don’t have meat.

If you do go through the pre-screening, there’s a big bin to throw stuff out that doesn’t pass their criteria. I assumed that if you went through that, there would be no fine, but really don’t know I guess.

Thanks, the whole unfortunate thing makes a lot more sense to me now. It’s something they take super seriously and righfully so, and they have that special process. I came back to KHH in Jan and again in end of Feb and there was nobody checking at the customs counter. Maybe just happened not to be enough passengers coming through at precisely when I came. They never had any card thing before, maybe they did have it going on this time but I accidently went around it because I was sent to a non-foreigner passport check line at the far end and then didn’t go back through by the luggage delivery system because i was only hand carry.

UGGGH, but at least I have a much better understanding of how it was supposed to work. Honestly I’m not 100% sure I would even have remember if properly asked. I had 1 egg sandwich and the one roast pork, and zero clue the meat had become such a huge deal. But I’m a logic loving kind of guy so it means something to know it wasn’t supposed to be so insanely arbitrary. Maybe just one person wasn’t paying attention when they should have seen me or maybe I just got very unlucky in slipping around their setup. It sure seems like they should give out that info with customs cards on the plane, give you a much better chance with time to reflect. Well I made a donation to the ROC. I’ve been spending a lot of time here without paying any taxes 'cause I’m not working while here, well now I’ve paid my dues for being allowed to come for 90 days at a time whenever I want.

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When they fined me they confirmed which flight I came in on and from where. Japan is not listed in the list of countries I saw as infected but their rules obviously don’t care about that.

Impossible, they stand directly at the jet bridge exit. They don’t let you pass without taking the card. I just don’t think they are doing there or are inconsistent.

They don’t care about that because they have no idea where you may have connected from/through. This is why I’ve seen the card on every flight I’ve taken, even the US flights. My mom came into Taipei on an EVA flight directly from the US, she got the card.

Yeah that makes sense. Also in 3 trips in this year I never saw anybody on the bridgeway giving out cards. Sounds like they may be screwing the whole thing up because they are down in the sticks so they don’t bother with the card part and then only do the harsh penalty when they find you have le dreaded meat when they recognize sandwiches in the xray machine. WFT it makes me more curious but anyway I just have to get over being pissed off at being hit with zero warning and just a $300 USD fine for being so bad with my pork products.

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They are idiots. You fly into Kiwiland you get repeated warnings about disposing of all food. Like a half hour video in four languages including Mandarin and then personnel coming on board and manually spraying the inside of the aircraft. Then posters everywhere leading to customs. You got a pair of hiking boots in your bags? You get them out and go red lane.

Ok, thes eare serious questions as we help translating the materials:

Did you see the ads with the dogs saying NO MEAT, NO FOOD?

Did you see the new sausage cartoons with the same instructions?

Did you hear the announcements on the plane they are telling about teh disease/restrictions?

Did you see people dropping food in the bins before customs?
Where there any signs before that?

On a personal note, we have been putting out lots of news ins everal languages. I have made it a point to pic pictures of teh sandwiches, hot dogs and jerky snacks most people think are OK.

Oh and the second time they catch you the fine is one million. So try NOT to do that again!


It is any meat, beef and chicjken included, plus any food from the plane.

Japan fines are more stiff. same measures in Korea, too.

I came in from Vietnam last month. I knew nothing about it until I was put in a red lane for Xray screening. But I never carry open foods off a plane anyway.

Another thing few people know about is that poppy seeds, which are legal and are commonly used in European countries for food, are illegal in Taiwan.
AFAIK Only in Taiwan, Singapore, UAE and Saudi Arabia those are illegal.

Importing any of those foods will get you drug trafficking charges.





Bastard for posting those pics. And yeah, we already knew that.

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Yeah, the fine print was the “pork”.

Just out of curiosity: the issue is seeds could be used to grow opium poppies, right? Does anyone know if completely processed poppy foods are taken very seriously as well by Taiwan authorities? Like completely ground and steamed/cooked poppy, that never ever could be used as seeds?

No the issue is they contain opiates. They are so minuscule, but it does not matter for Taiwan.

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oO srsly? Ouch. Ok, no more Pressburger Mohnbeigel then, back to Sesambeigel… Even they suck in comparison.

Mohnsaat gehört zu den calciumreichsten Lebensmitteln und ist relativ reich an Vitaminen der B-Gruppe. Ihr Morphingehalt ist in der Regel sehr gering und gesundheitlich unbedenklich, unterliegt jedoch Schwankungen aufgrund der verarbeiteten Sorten, der Herkunft, des Erntezeitpunktes und der angewendeten Sorgfalt und Verfahren bei der Herstellung.

Poppy seed is one of the most calcium-rich foods and is relatively rich in B-group vitamins. Their morphine content is usually very low and harmless to health, but is subject to variations due to the processed varieties, the origin, the time of harvesting and the care and procedures used in the production.