Daddy day

Great. Is Mucha an acceptable location for you?

I guess we’ll wait and see if anyone else responds later today who is also interested. I’ll check back here later today and tonight to see if anyone else wishes to join us. Otherwise, I’ll send you my cell number by pm so we can discuss further.


Bump. . .

Any other parents, or non-parents, interested in joining Connel and myself and our respective wives and children for a hike tomorrow morning (or some other activity)? See the prior page of this thread. It would be great to see some more of you. :slight_smile:

[quote=“Mother Theresa”]Great. Is Muzha an acceptable location for you?

Muzha is good as we are close. Seems like no other takers :frowning:

Would have loved to join but we’re heading to Kending tomorrow :frowning: