I heard that those little sock slippers they give out on airplanes aren’t safe to wear, that they give you giardia.
And the Zorro masks too.
Flyer beware!!
Only if you use them to strain your whisky through, at least in my experience. And only if you’ve used the wrong ones and actually find yourself sucking your liquor from the sockettes of your neighboring passenger. Long-haul flights with the sandman can tend to be fraught.
I heard that if your cousin’s friend’s neighbour says he might know someone who knows someone who might be able to get you a free upgrade, it’s dangerous to already go around telling everyone you’re getting an upgrade.
Upgrade to what? The blinkers and the socks are usually business and above.
Technically, to get giardiasis, you’d need some faecal matter, probably from filtering your whisky through the slippers. But actually, I’ve not worked out that bit. Mind you, crap water - literally - will do it.
maybe the previous customer ran out of toilet paper
maybe if you’re one of those people whose got such a bad smoking habit they stick thier head next to the john and keep flushing to suck down the smoke? (possibly an apocryphal story)
Done that. Didn’t get caught. Stupid thing was, it was a short-haul flight (Phnom Penh - Hong Kong).