David Blaine

Are David Blaine’s tricks staged?

  • Yes, has to be because it’s impossible
  • No, he’s gifted
  • I’m not sure
  • Some tricks are genuine, some tricks are staged.

0 voters

Is David Blaine real or fake? Are his tricks staged? The guy is an amazing magician but is he more than that? What do folks here think about him?

I think it’s staged because if he can do the things he pretends to be able to do, why is he wasting his time doing showbizz?


I think in Roget’s “trick” won’t be very far from “staged.”


Perhaps you mean “cheating”?

On his last stunt in London, there was no question he was in the box for however many weeks he was there, but there were suspicions that he was getting nutrients so that his risk of death was not as great.

Personally I don’t think he does “cheat”. What I think is that the publicity surrounding his stunts are exaggerated. That is his stunts are not as great or as dangerous as claimed, relatively speaking. I certainly believe that his fast in London was authentic and that is no mean feat. I just don’t think he was ever in any real danger of dying.

Yes it is a total trick that a guy like him is dating Manon von Gerkan.

His stunts are only ok compared to his magic tricks. He’s done some pretty amazing things but I’ve only seen it on TV. But it’s people’s reactions that make it that much more authentic (unless they’re paid but I doubt it). I like the one where he stops an older couple and brings them over to a closed jewelery store window and gets them to look at a watch on display. The lady said, “Oh that’s a beautiful… Hey, that’s mine!” Then he puts a sheet of newspaper over the window puts his hand through it and the window and grabs the watch, pulls it back and give it to her. No hole in the window. Nothing.

There’s another guy I saw on TV called Michael Angel or something. He does the same kind of magic tricks as him but has his own kind of magic theater show. I was thinking, “This is the same thing as David Blaine.” He goes on the street just like him. Maybe it’s David Blaine in disguise as Michael Angel. I don’t know.

I think some things are staged…like where he writes someones name with fire under his shirt…YEAH RIGHT.
Other tricks (like where the beggars coffee turns into money) you can see how he covers his hands to take, push or pull something.

I like him though…I DONT like when he puts his hand on girls teets.

David Blaine’s not a bloody magician. What was that trick - I’m in a box, and I’m not going to eat. WHERE’S THE MAGIC? That’s called LIVING IN POVERTY.

I think David Blaine is a symptom of the sad state of society, when people can actually be entertained by someone who DOESN’T DO ANYTHING.

[quote=“Tetsuo”]David Blaine’s not a bloody magician. What was that trick - I’m in a box, and I’m not going to eat. WHERE’S THE MAGIC? That’s called LIVING IN AFRICA.

I think David Blaine is a symptom of the sad state of society, when people can actually be entertained by someone who DOESN’T DO ANYTHING.[/quote]

He does magic tricks too. Pretty awesome ones. I guess you haven’t seen him. Pretty wild stuff.

I saw him do some tricks a few years ago. They were decidedly post-David Copperfield. TV magic. But when was the last time he actually did any magic tricks?

I’ve seen him on TV a couple of times. Last month was the last time. He stops people on the street and floats in the air and does crazy things that leave you dumbfounded. “How did he do that?” Pretty entertaining.

I can do the levitation trick. Ask me at the next happy hour.

But when you see it on TV, you’re watching the trick from one angle, and the people’s reaction from another. That’s because the reaction is real, but the trick you see is what he shows the people after doing the original - that is, he says he will show them how other magicians do it, with wires and so on. So that angle shows no audience reaction, but a very elevated Blain. The trick that gets the filmed reaction is not shown because the elevation is not so spectacular.

Does that make any sense? :s

[quote=“j99l88e77”]I’ve seen him on TV a couple of times. Last month was the last time. He stops people on the street and floats in the air and does crazy things that leave you dumbfounded. “How did he do that?” Pretty entertaining.[/quote]First of all you need a small audience in a certain place, it only works from one angle, then you stand on tiptoe on one foot, keeping the other one flat while it rises up. If you have the angle right, the tiptoed foot is hidden.
The audience is in on some of the tricks, like when David Copperfield made the Statue of Liberty disappear. Him and the audience were on a platform which rotated around so you couldn’t see the statue anymore.

[quote=“j99l88e77”]I’ve seen him on TV a couple of times. Last month was the last time. He stops people on the street and floats in the air and does crazy things that leave you dumbfounded. “How did he do that?” Pretty entertaining.[/quote] Same here. I saw him on TV this week. That’s why I started this thread. I saw the trick where he changes a coffe cup into a cup full of coins. He does other stuff like reading people’s mind. Interesting indeed but sucks to think that those people are simply hired. If they are not in on it then the guy is simply amazing.


I like the one where he gets them to pick a card. It doesn’t even matter if he sees the card, but he opts not to. The card goes back in the deck, he shuffles it, and then throws the deck at a bip plate glass window. Stuck on the other side is the card they picked. Leaves you scratching your head.

It’s on TV. I wouldn’t trust a second of it until I saw it in person. Shit, David Copperfield managed to make the Statue of Liberty disappear on TV, but I don’t buy that shit for a moment either.

If it’s on TV, it can’t be a lie.

[quote=“j99l88e77”]If it’s on TV, it can’t be a lie.[/quote] I agree. The guy performs miracles for pennies. :wink:

I like watching it anyways, it’s interesting to see the tricks he pulls.


can’t put one over on tetsuo, lol

Yes, I am now enlightened.

Oh well. At least there’s a Santa Claus.

“Shit, David Copperfield managed to make the Statue of Liberty disappear on TV, but I don’t buy that shit for a moment either.”

The French did - they paid a lot of money and are currently desparately trying to end the EU Arms embargo to China! :smiling_imp: